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The Importance of Tractor Troubleshooting With Optimized Diagnostic Tools

L'importance du dépannage des tracteurs avec des outils de diagnostic optimisés

Commençons par pourquoi le dépannage des tracteurs est si important et comment les outils de diagnostic avancés ont rendu ce travail si facile pour vous. Que ce soit électrique, GPL, ou dépannage de tracteur diesel, le logiciel Jaltest garantira que votre tracteur soit de retour au travail dès que possible.

Si vous avez un ou plusieurs tracteurs pour votre ferme agricole ou vos projets de construction, vous comprendrez l'importance d'avoir un guide de dépannage de tracteur qui vous guidera à travers la rectification de tout dysfonctionnement qui pourrait survenir.

Agriculture equipment diagnostic software

Ceci est fait rapidement et sans effort, contrairement aux scénarios traditionnels où vous deviez attendre des jours l'arrivée d'ingénieurs certifiés des concessionnaires pour remettre votre tracteur en marche. Non seulement votre travail agricole serait négativement impacté, surtout pendant les périodes de récolte, mais cela signifierait également des délais manqués pour vos autres projets.

Aujourd'hui, dépannage de tracteur est facile grâce aux améliorations technologiques apportées aux tracteurs ainsi qu'à l'introduction de systèmes de diagnostic de pointe. Que ce soit pour le dépannage des hydraulique de tracteur, le dépannage de la surchauffe du tracteur, ou le dépannage d'un tracteur qui ne démarre pas, notre Logiciel de diagnostic Jaltest vous couvre.

Explorons maintenant comment les deux – le dépannage de tracteur et l'outil de maintenance Jaltest - fonctionnent de concert pour maintenir vos tracteurs en fonctionnement à efficacité maximale.

Agriculture diagnostic kits

Chaque véhicule moderne ainsi que construction et équipement agricole dispose d'une Unité de Contrôle Électronique (ECU) connue sous le nom d'ordinateur de bord. Son écran d'affichage est généralement caché sous le tableau de bord dans un tracteur. Chaque fois qu'un défaut apparaît entraînant un dysfonctionnement des systèmes ou des composants, un code d'erreur généralement au format alphanumérique clignote sur l'écran d'affichage. 

Maintenant, prenez le logiciel de diagnostic Jaltest et connectez-le au port de l'ECU. Le code d'erreur apparaîtra maintenant sur le guide de dépannage du tracteur Jaltest avec l'interprétation du code, ce qui ne va pas avec le tracteur, et les solutions de rectification nécessaires pour remettre l'équipement en service dès que possible. 

Il n'est pas nécessaire de consulter des manuels encombrants ou d'appeler le service des concessionnaires. Toutes les réparations sont effectuées sur place sans perdre de temps ni d'argent.

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Fonctions du guide de dépannage du tracteur Jaltest

Le logiciel de diagnostic de tracteur Jaltest est un kit essentiel pour les propriétaires de tracteurs afin de lire les codes d'erreur et de les effacer. Tout tracteur avec une ECU bénéficiera du guide de diagnostic de tracteur Jaltest. 
Prenons l'exemple de dépannage des hydraulique de tracteur pour mieux comprendre comment fonctionne le logiciel Jaltest. 
Lorsqu'un dysfonctionnement apparaît dans le système hydraulique d'un tracteur, les codes de défaut suivants figurent parmi ceux qui s'afficheront en fonction de la nature du défaut.

  • 111 : Défaillance du matériel du contrôleur de moteur
  • 115 : Défaillance du capteur de vitesse du moteur ou du capteur de came
  • 121 : Défaillance du capteur de position du moteur ou du capteur de vilebrequin
  • 122 : Tension du capteur de pression de suralimentation trop élevée
  • 123 : Tension du capteur de pression de suralimentation trop basse
  • 11 : Potentiomètre d'embrayage maître circuit ouvert ou court-circuit à la terre
  • 19 : Défaillance du potentiomètre de l'accélérateur à main

Cependant, ce ne sont que des exemples généraux et les codes d'erreur pour dépannage des hydraulique de chargeur de tracteur ne sera pas le même pour toutes les marques et tous les modèles de tracteurs. Les codes d'erreur pour les tracteurs New Holland ne seront pas les mêmes que pour les tracteurs John Deere.

Tractor Troubleshooting

L'outil de maintenance Jaltest couvre presque 120 marques d'équipements agricoles différentes, y compris John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Kubota, Challenger, Volvo, Caterpillar, et d'autres. De plus, notre outil de diagnostic de tracteur se connecte parfaitement à d'autres types d'équipements agricoles tels que les moissonneuses, les moissonneuses-batteuses, les presses à balles, les faucheuses-conditionneuses, les pulvérisateurs, et plus encore.
Cependant, lorsque vous utilisez le Jaltest dépannage des hydraulique de tracteur logiciel, cet outil couvre toutes les grandes marques de tracteurs. En se basant sur les codes d'erreur, les procédures de réparation et de résolution de problèmes sont intégrées dans le logiciel par le fabricant d'équipement d'origine. Cela rend notre guide de dépannage de tracteurs supérieur aux autres dans ce créneau.
Notre outil de dépannage pour tracteurs effectue plusieurs fonctions allant des plus simples aux plus complexes. De plus, dans notre guide étape par étape guide de dépannage de tracteur, vous avez accès à des données techniques et de maintenance en direct qui aident à diagnostiquer rapidement tout problème et à le résoudre avant qu'il ne devienne un problème majeur. 

Agriculture diagnostic tool

Ce qui aide le plus, c'est le schéma de câblage détaillé fourni dans le logiciel qui rend le dépannage des tracteurs sans effort. Vous savez immédiatement où se trouve la panne et la position de tout composant qui doit être réparé ou remplacé. En bref, notre guide de dépannage des tracteurs garantit que vous avez le contrôle de votre machine, où qu'elle se trouve sur le chantier.

Capacités Avancées du Logiciel de Dépannage de Tracteur Jaltest

Contrairement à d'autres outils similaires dans ce créneau, notre outil de maintenance pour le dépannage des tracteurs va bien au-delà d'un simple lecteur de codes d'erreur. Il dispose de capacités de diagnostic avancées qui peuvent effectuer des activités complexes via un menu convivial. Vous pouvez naviguer vers diverses fonctions et caractéristiques telles que les contrôles bidirectionnels, les injecteurs de code, les régénérations DPF, la calibration de transmission, les vérins arrière et les vannes de décharge, et plus encore.
Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités avancées que vous obtenez avec le guide de dépannage du tracteur Jaltest. 

  • Le logiciel vous guide sur tous les connecteurs et lequel utiliser sur l'OBD dans le véhicule ainsi que l'emplacement des prises.
  • Chaque fois que des codes d'erreur apparaissent sur l'ECU, il vous suffit de connecter notre ordinateur logiciel pour lire, interpréter et obtenir des recommandations sur la meilleure solution à mettre en œuvre pour remettre votre tracteur au travail.
  • Utilisez l'outil Jaltest pour calibrer les fonctions et définir les paramètres de divers systèmes et composants. Cela sera au-dessus du réglage d'usine car l'environnement dans lequel votre tracteur fonctionne n'est pas standardisé dans tous les endroits. Ainsi, en calibrant et en définissant les paramètres, vous obtenez un mode de fonctionnement idéal pour ce qui est fait par votre tracteur.
  • Le logiciel Jaltest peut effacer les codes d'erreur à grande échelle. Cela est possible car l'outil peut mesurer jusqu'à 8 valeurs simultanément.
  • Effectuez l'activation des composants avec le logiciel qui inclut l'interaction et l'activation de divers systèmes tels que les découpes de cylindres, l'activation du ventilateur, le test de compression et la vérification de divers mécanismes.

Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités qui font du logiciel de maintenance de tracteurs Jaltest un leader dans sa catégorie.

savoir plus à propos des codes de défaut des équipements agricoles.


Agriculture Equipment diagnostic tools


Analyses complètes du système et analyses par symptômes

Le logiciel de maintenance de tracteur Jaltest est un outil complet où vous pouvez parcourir le menu de diagnostic pour effectuer soit des actions de maintenance préventive, soit effacer les codes d'erreur selon les symptômes et les dysfonctionnements. Examinons chacune des options fournies dans notre guide de dépannage de tracteur. 

Le premier consiste à effectuer des analyses complètes du système à divers intervalles où tous les systèmes sont scannés pour des codes de défaut temporaires. Même si ceux-ci sont mineurs et disparaissent généralement après quelques cycles de conduite, ils ont le potentiel de devenir un problème majeur s'ils ne sont pas pris en charge. Un diagnostic rapide et opportun garantit que vous n'avez pas à faire face à un temps d'arrêt de votre tracteur. 

Diagnostic full body scan

Cependant, il n'est pas toujours possible de rectifier rapidement les codes de défaut temporaires et ils deviennent souvent permanents. Vous pourriez alors être amené à entreprendre des actions moins complexes comme dépannage du jauge de carburant du tracteur ou des cas plus complexes comme les régénérations forcées liées à votre moteur diesel. À chaque étape lorsque vous effectuez des actions de suppression de codes d'erreur, notre logiciel sera avec vous, vous guidant à travers les nombreuses subtilités de la mise en œuvre des solutions de rectification. 

Régénérations forcées et dépannage de tracteurs Jaltest

Le dépannage du moteur diesel de tracteur est l'une des actions les plus complexes effectuées par le logiciel de dépannage de tracteur Jaltest. Parmi les plus importants dans la catégorie du dépannage de moteur diesel, on trouve les régénérations forcées. 

Régénérations forcées dans le cadre de dépannage de tracteur diesel est effectuée lorsque la suie s'accumule dans le filtre à particules diesel et qu'elle dépasse les régénérations passives pour le nettoyer. Dans les cas graves, les moteurs peuvent se gripper, poussant ainsi le tracteur en mode dégradé. Pour remettre la machine au travail, des régénérations forcées doivent être effectuées comme guidé par l'outil de diagnostic de tracteur Jaltest.

agriculture equipment forced regens

Les régénérations forcées impliquent de faire fonctionner le moteur pendant environ 40 minutes à un régime sélectionné par le logiciel en fonction de la gravité de l'accumulation de suie. Lorsque la température des gaz d'échappement augmente, la suie est brûlée et le moteur est à nouveau libéré. Ce phénomène se trouve généralement dans les véhicules et équipements alimentés au diesel qui fonctionnent pendant de courtes périodes, comme les tracteurs, et non sur les bus ou camions de longue distance. 


Notre outil de maintenance Jaltest pour tracteurs est un outil optimisé qui vous guide dans la résolution de tout code d'erreur pouvant survenir. Vous êtes assisté à chaque étape pour remettre votre tracteur au travail grâce à des données techniques et de maintenance en direct ainsi que des schémas de câblage détaillés pour localiser précisément l'emplacement de la panne.

Une autre raison pour laquelle notre logiciel est un leader sur le marché est qu'il s'agit d'un outil plug-and-play qui, contrairement à d'autres dans ce domaine, ne nécessite aucune configuration ou paramétrage élaboré. Vous devez télécharger le logiciel sur votre ordinateur portable et vous êtes prêt à interpréter et à effacer les codes d'erreur.

Enfin, nous fournissons trois mises à jour de notre logiciel chaque année. Cela permet de garantir que nous restons à jour avec les améliorations technologiques des tracteurs réalisées par les fabricants et que notre logiciel ne devienne jamais obsolète.

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Keeping Your Cummins Engine on The Job – Cummins Fault Code Explained

Keeping Your Cummins Engine on The Job – Cummins Fault Code Explained

Before going into the various aspects of the Cummins fault code list and the Cummins engine code reader, it is necessary to take an overview of the company and its products. 

An American multinational company, Cummins Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes engines, filtration, and power generation products. Even though Cummins is renowned in the world of engines, it also services related equipment such as trucks and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, fuel systems, emission control, air handling, electrical power generation systems, and more. 

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool Kit

The main Cummins Engine Business Unit offers aftermarket support as well as mid-range, heavy-duty, and high-power engines. Cummins engines are used in a variety of applications in several sectors. Let us take a few examples.  

  • Excavators, backhoe loaders, wheel loaders, and skid steer loaders in earthmoving equipment.
  • Forklifts, cranes, telehandlers, and aerial lifts in material handling equipment.
  • Graders, rollers, and pavers in road construction equipment.
  • Forestry, drilling, crushing, processing, and ground support in industrial applications.

In the transportation sector, Cummins is among the leading innovators in engine technology. These include:  

  • Ram 2500, 3500 heavy-duty pickups, and Ram 3500, 4500, and 5500 Chassis Cab trucks in road transport
  • Powered diesel railcars in rail transportation
  • Passenger vehicles in busses

Cummins is also in the power generation industry and provides engines of varying capacity such as:

  • Generators in stationary power
  • Electric and hybrid integrated power solutions and components in electric power generation systems

Other applications of Cummins engines are in the areas of mining, oil and gas, and defense. 

Cummins Diesel Engine Fault Codes 

If you are an owner of vehicles or equipment powered by Cummins engines, you must have come up against Cummins fault codes in the form of alphanumeric messages on the onboard computer display, typically tucked away below the dashboard on the driver’s side.

Cummins Diagnostic Tools

Cummins engine fault codes are alerts to warn you that something is not right with the engine and quick action is required. The fault codes may be a sign of a simple error or a complex one that may require downtime and stoppage of work.

Let us take a couple of examples to explain the concept of Cummins fault code better. 

  • Cummins engine fault code 1117: This fault code indicates a lost power supply with the ignition on. Possible causes are a faulty battery, damaged wiring harness, faulty ECM, or corroded or loose battery connections. 
  • Cummins engine fault code 1569: The explanation of this Cummins fault code is “Engine Protection Torque Derate” which in simple terms means the engine is reducing power due to a detected issue. It is related to problems that affect the engine performance such as with the aftertreatment sensors or actuators.  

These codes will show up when you connect our Jaltest Cummins engine code reader to the onboard computer. The software will then guide you through all that is required to be done to get your vehicle or equipment back on the job at the earliest. 

Know more about the types and models of Cummins engines

If you consider Cummins engine fault codes, there are two possibilities here. 

The first is the pending or temporary Cummins engine trouble codes that indicate early signs of a problem which is at the minor stage and if left unattended, can blow up into a major issue necessitating downtime. Use the Jaltest software to track the trouble and clear it. Such temporary fault codes typically disappear within a few driving cycles.

Cummins Engine diagnostic

The second is more serious issues where a great deal of overhaul is required. Here, our Jaltest Cummins engine code reader is very useful and makes the rectification process smoother. The Jaltest scanner is a user-friendly device that connects to the onboard computer of the vehicle. Once the software laptop is plugged in, turn on the engine, and it will read the Cummins fault code and zero in on the problem.

The Jaltest Cummins engine fault code list helps you pinpoint the exact issue with detailed descriptions of the fault. It will handhold you through the solution, backed by detailed wiring diagrams that assist you in finding the location of the fault, the precise nature of the fault, and what is required to be done. You can then carry out the fault-clearing solutions confidently with the Jaltest Cummins engine code reader.  

The Jaltest software performs Cummins engine diagnostics and shows all engine electronic information on the laptop screen. Working with Jaltest is easy as it guides you through step-by-step diagnostics, schematic diagrams, and built-in engine drawings. Hence, troubleshooting time is reduced, and faulty diagnostics and resolution procedures are done away with as you get wiring and sensor location diagrams, and can adjust parameters to quickly and easily review and clear fault information. 

A quick mention should be made here of a very specialized tool, the Jaltest Cummins ISX code reader. The Cummins ISX engine is one of the top-range Cummins heavy-duty diesel engines and the Jaltest ISX code reader is specifically designed to read and interpret this Cummins fault code. It directly retrieves diagnostic information like error codes and live data and helps you to identify and troubleshoot issues within the engine systems. 

The main function of the Cummins ISX code reader is to display live engine data such as fuel pressure and coolant temperature and clear Cummins diesel engine fault codes. It also provides guidance on potential causes for the detected issues, making troubleshooting simple and an on-premises activity.

Cummins Engine Diagnostic Tool

Preventive and Maintenance Activity With Jaltest Cummins Code Reader

The Jaltest Cummins fault code reader is a very intuitive and user-friendly Cummins diagnostic tool that ensures that all your equipment and vehicles powered by Cummins engines are always in peak working condition. With the software, you can carry out preventive maintenance to ensure that the Cummins engines are always on the job or quickly clear fault codes whenever they arise. 

These two features are often termed preventive maintenance and clearing fault codes, both of which will be explained individually now in some detail.  

A key feature in the Cummins fault code reader is full-system scans as a component of preventive maintenance that is performed at periodic intervals. In this mode, you scan all the systems starting from the engine and going on to the hydraulics, transmissions, brakes, lights, and more. Any minor issue here is quickly resolved before it takes on a bigger form that can lead to downtime and stoppage of work, often at crucial times of projects. 

On the other hand, you have the fault-clearing work with the Cummins fault code reader. Whenever a fault arises and the code is displayed on the onboard computer screen, connect the Jaltest software laptop to it and get to the bottom of the issue. Once the code is identified per the model and make of the Cummins engine-powered vehicle, you will be guided on fault-clearing procedures. 

It is important to note here that preventive maintenance with the Jaltest diagnostic tool will keep your equipment on the job without a break. 

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Cummins Engine Trouble Codes and Forced Regens

One of the faults exclusive to diesel engines is soot accumulation in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). In severe cases, it will turn out to be a major problem and the engine might seize up too. This soot buildup normally occurs when passive regens are incapable of removing the soot from the DPF and forced regens must be taken up. Typically, this condition takes place when the vehicle is on a stop-and-go workload as in excavators and dozers, and not much in long-haul vehicles such as trucks and buses. 

When such a situation arises, our Jaltest Cummins engine fault code list will show fault code SPN 3712. It means that there is engine power derate due to DPF regeneration and that the ECM has limited engine power to facilitate a forced regen cycle. The most likely causes for soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter are clogged DPF, faulty DPF sensors, problems with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), or low DEF levels. 

One way of addressing this Cummins fault code is to use the Jaltest software tool to identify the exact fault code and its associated parameters. Inspect the DPF for excessive soot buildup, potential damage, or sensor malfunction. 

Once any of these aspects are confirmed through the Jaltest Cummins engine code reader, the simplest solution is to run the engine on a high rev for around 40 minutes. The rise in the temperature of the exhaust gasses will burn away the soot accumulation. Next, the underlying issues for this state of the Cummins engine must be solved. These include replacing faulty sensors, cleaning the DPF, or addressing issues with the EGR system. 

Summing Up

The Jaltest Cummins engine code reader is optimized for your Cummins engine-powered machine or vehicle regardless of its make or model. You get expert guidance to clear any fault codes quickly so that any minor issue does not become a major one and you get dealer-level servicing on your premises.

What makes our Jaltest diagnostic software and Cummins fault code reader a notch above the competitors is the user-friendly format. You do not have to go through an elaborate setup and configuration process through any third-party applications or drivers. Just download the software on your diagnostic laptop, plug it into the onboard computer and you are ready for cutting-edge checking of the Cummins engine functions.  

Finally, we provide three updates to the Jaltest software every year. This is to ensure that the features of our software are in sync with the technical innovations made to Cummins engines every year and that the Jaltest software does not become obsolete and out of date.

A Comprehensive Overview of the Jaltest Diagnostic Software

A Comprehensive Overview of the Jaltest Diagnostic Software

It is now mandated by law that all modern vehicles and equipment have an onboard computer that tracks and manages their health so that they always maintain optimum running mode. Any malfunction is instantly notified on the display screen of the computer, typically in alpha-numeric mode known as fault codes so that rectification solutions may be implemented to get the vehicle or equipment back on the job as fast as possible.

This is where the Jaltest diagnostic software comes into the picture. When you connect the Jaltest software laptop to the onboard computer, the fault code corresponding to the problem shows up along with the interpretation of the code and the solutions required to get the vehicle back on the road.


The benefit of this Jaltest scan tool is that highly optimized solutions are provided for all systems and components. You get live maintenance and information about the state of the equipment along with detailed wiring diagrams to know the precise location of the fault. Hence, from the fault code, you can know whether the problem is with the engine, transmission, hydraulics, brakes, lights, body computer, or any other.

Almost all types of vehicles are covered by our Jaltest diagnostic software. We offer Jaltest marine software, Jaltest truck and commercial vehicle diagnostic tool, Jaltest off-highway software, and many others. As examples, a few of them will be studied in detail in this post.

The Jaltest diagnostic tool has two very important options, one is for preventive maintenance and the other is rectification of issues, from minor ones, setting them right before they become full-blown problems.

Jaltest Technical system

In the first instance, you can carry out periodic full system scans to check the state of your equipment. Any minor issue will be detected and can immediately be set right through the software. This procedure ensures that your equipment is always in top working condition, and if any temporary fault codes are seen, they are usually cleared within a few driving cycles.

In the second instance, fault rectification is done when there is a specific issue to contend with in any system of the equipment. Our Jaltest diagnostic software will handhold you through the full process of solving the problem, offering dealer-level resolutions. You can get your equipment working again on the premises without having to call in certified engineers or go through bulky manuals.

A quick word on the Cojali Jaltest diagnostic software before moving forward. Cojali S.L. is based in Campo de Criptana and is a Spanish developer of advanced diagnostic solutions for commercial vehicles, off-highway equipment, material handling equipment, marine vessels, and agricultural equipment such as tractors.

Jaltest Diagnostic Software

The Cojali Jaltest diagnostic software is developed by Cojali and can not only monitor and diagnose vehicles and equipment but can also carry out remote diagnostics. The Cojali diagnostic tool does predictive maintenance, views system data, and reads and helps clear fault codes.  

Let us now get into some of the details of the Jaltest software in specific areas of its application.

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The Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

Do not leave the fate of your marine engine to fate when you are out at sea. With the Jaltest marine software, you are always in control of your boat, tracking and monitoring performance and systems and keeping it running in top working condition. The marine Jaltest diagnostic software has you covered regardless of whether it is outboard motor troubleshooting, marine diesel engine troubleshooting, or jet ski troubleshooting.  

Our Jaltest software covers a wide range of systems and components including electronic modules, steering, powertrain, engines, helm, and more. Each parameter can be tested individually to know what the fault is or all systems can be scanned at a time to pre-empt any issues with the boat in advance.

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic software

You can effortlessly carry out cylinder cut-out tests, set parameter setting instructions, and calibrate trim and control levers. Testing can be carried out quickly and seamlessly since all data can be tested in real-time during sea trials at a very fast pace of 24 measurements in a mere 90 minutes.

Our Jaltest marine diagnostic tool has a very user-friendly and intuitive dashboard that sees you through every step of the fault-clearing process. The Jaltest software laptop displays all maintenance and technical information once you connect it to the engine’s onboard computer and identifies the source of the problem that needs to be cleared.

The Jaltest Truck Diagnostic Software

The main benefit of the Jaltest truck diagnostic software is that our advanced tools are good for almost all major brands and models of trucks on the road today. These include Kenworth, PaccarFreightliner, Allison, Peterbilt, Cummins, International, Detroit, Mack, Bendix Western Star, Volvo, and more.

Advanced Diagnostic Software For General Trucks

Hence, as an owner of a mixed fleet of trucks, having the Jaltest diagnostic software alone is enough to keep all of them on the road without a break. This maintenance software offers cutting-edge solutions in all systems of the vehicles, ranging from engines, hydraulics, and transmissions, to brakes and lights. All fault codes are quickly identified, and solutions are provided to clear them.

With the Jaltest software for trucks, you can take up simple faults like fixing loose wiring or complex ones like force regens which shall be discussed in depth in the next section. You can also undertake critical activities like speed limits and idle speeds, code injectors, and bleed braking systems for all types and makes of semi-trucks and trucks.

Jaltest Commercial and Heavy-Duty Truck Fault Codes image showing detailed diagnostics for trucks and commercial vehicles

Further, with the Jaltest scan tool, you can carry out system scans such as after-treatment and other resolutions for antitheft, brakes, electronic control modules, engines, hybrid systems, safety, and transmissions.

Here are a few examples of the fault codes typically identified by the Jaltest truck diagnostic tool. 

  • Displaying battery voltage and configuring fault code display during the system scan function.
  • Restarting the connection when communication is lost with systems in different sections of the application
  • Configuring measurement groups in the data recorder function.

The Jaltest diagnostic software for trucks is a comprehensive maintenance tool that is effective for trucks, ranging from heavy-duty to semi-trucks, and light commercial vehicles.

Force regens

While on the Jaltest truck diagnostic tool, one of the critical functions of diagnosis and fault rectification is forced regens exclusively for diesel-powered vehicles and equipment. This function is applicable not only for trucks and commercial vehicles but also for construction equipment such as excavators, dozers, and agricultural vehicles like tractors. The need for force regens rises only when the equipment runs on diesel-powered engines.

Paccar diagnostic tool displayed on a screen with technical interface for truck maintenance and troubleshooting

Forced regens are necessary when soot accumulates in the diesel particulate filter and passive regens are not enough to clear this soot buildup. This might lead to the engine seizing up or the vehicle going into limp mode, based on the severity of the accumulation. When the fault code for soot buildup shows on the Jaltest CV diagnostic tool or Jaltest AGV maintenance tool, the software will guide you through the critical procedure of forced regens.

To clear the soot buildup, the engine is run for around 40 minutes on High or Very High rev as determined by the software. The high temperature of the exhaust gasses burns off the soot and the equipment is back on the job at the earliest.

 Read more about types of trucks and semi-trucks.

Jaltest Diagnostic Software and Calibration and Parameter Settings

Another advanced function of our Jaltest software is calibration and parameter setting. To understand these functions better, let us follow an example of hydraulic systems of heavy-duty construction equipment such as excavators. All excavators have factory settings that are standardized and work within normal metrics in typical terrains.

However, if your equipment works in very challenging conditions, you must recalibrate hydraulics settings with an advanced tool like the Jaltest diagnostic software to get maximum productivity from your equipment. Calibration and hydraulics parameter settings require users to reset values to control response, pressure, and flow rate. Our software will help you to tweak and modify the functions of the hydraulic systems to maintain high operating efficiency regardless of the condition that the equipment is functioning in.

Screen displaying Caterpillar Diagnostic Software calibration interface with diagnostic options and calibration settings visible

Calibrating key systems like hydraulics typically involves working on specialized components like attachment controls, position sensors, and solenoid valves. This can be done effortlessly by our Jaltest scan tool. After you connect the Jaltest software to the onboard computer of the equipment, you will be prompted to enter the make and model of your equipment along with the specific calibration activity you want to take up.

Jaltest AGV Diagnostic Maintenance Software

When it comes to agricultural vehicles like tractors, the Jaltest AGV diagnostic tool provides cutting-edge advantages over others in this niche. The software connects seamlessly with other equipment such as harvesters, combines, balers, swathers, sprayers, and more. For tractors, the software covers almost 120 different agricultural equipment brands including John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Kubota, Challenger, Volvo, Caterpillar, and others.

Keep your fleet of tractors on the job with Claas diagnostic software for efficient maintenance and performance tracking

The Jaltest AGV is not an ordinary fault code reader but is an advanced diagnostic tool. Using the user-friendly diagnostic menu, you can navigate various functionalities such as bi-directional controls, code injectors, DPF regens, transmission calibration, rear lift & spool valves, and more. Helped by live technical and maintenance information and data, you can take preventive action and stop any minor issue from becoming a major one.

Jaltest Diagnostic software

Summing Up

The Jaltest diagnostic software has a very intuitive dashboard that guides you through even the most critical and complex functions of clearing fault codes of all systems and components. You can simply follow the detailed wiring diagrams to learn about the location of the malfunction and how to clear it. You will be prompted to enter the make and model of the vehicle or equipment, and once that is done, it is not difficult to get advanced resolutions to get your fleet back on the job at the earliest.

We also provide three updates to the Jaltest software every year so that any technical innovations made by manufacturers are covered by our maintenance tool that never becomes obsolete.

Another area where our maintenance tool has an edge over others is the simplicity of setting and configuring it. Unlike others, you do not have to go through elaborate processes to make the software functional on your laptop. With Jaltest, it is plug-and-play once the software is downloaded onto any system.

A Complete Guide To John Deere Engine Parameters And Live Monitoring Features

A Complete Guide To John Deere Engine Parameters And Live Monitoring Features

You will be spoiled for choice if you want to add John Deere equipment to your fleet. The company Deere Company that conducts business as John Deere has a lot to offer.

Start with heavy construction equipment and you can choose from excavators, dozers, compact truck loaders, motor graders, skid steers, articulated trucks, and more. Move towards agricultural equipment for which John Deere is considered a market leader and you get combine harvesters, tractors, skid steer loaders, wheel loaders, and more.

Jaltest Off-Highway-Construction-OHW- Diagnostic-Kit

In between, John Deere also manufactures state-of-the-art diesel engines, gearboxes, transmissions, forestry machinery, drivetrains like axles, and smaller machinery like lawn care equipment.

If you have one or more John Deere equipment in your fleet, you need the Jaltest John Deere engine code reader to track and monitor their health and ensure that they are always on the job without downtime.

The John Deere Engine Fault Codes List And How Does It Work 

It is now required by law for every modern vehicle or equipment to have an onboard computer to know about their state on various metrics. These include hydraulics, brake lights, body computers, transmissions, and most importantly, engines. When a malfunction occurs, it is shown as a fault code, typically in alpha-numeric form, on the display panel of the onboard computer tucked away below the dashboard on the driver’s side.

John Deere Construction Equipment Diagnostic Software displayed on a laptop, showcasing advanced diagnostic capabilities

Based on the identification of the code and the corresponding problem, resolutions can be initiated to bring the equipment back on the job. This is done with our Jaltest John Deere trouble codes reader and software which needs to be connected to the onboard computer. Backed by live technical and maintenance data, you can resolve the issues at a level that is no less than the dealer level.

Now, what are trouble codes also known as John Deere flash codes?

These codes are displayed on the onboard computer as a flashing light sequence indicating a fault within the systems or components of the machine or equipment. When you connect the Jaltest John Deere engine code reader to the onboard computer, the John Deere flash codes will be reflected on the software laptop too. From here, you will be guided on the most optimized solutions to bring your equipment back on the job.

Take the example of John Deere excavator trouble codes. As with other types of John Deere equipment, these codes are of two types.

One is the temporary Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) or flash code that requires simple solutions and generally is cleared within a few driving cycles before a minor issue becomes a full-blown problem.

The other type is more permanent in nature and needs complex resolutions to clear. An example is Flash Code ECU 001008.18 which indicates low oil pressure related to the engine control unit. Another example is soot accumulation in the diesel particulate filter of diesel engines.

John Deere diagnostic scan tool with a clear display and buttons for vehicle diagnostic and troubleshooting functions

A quick word about John Deere SPN code is relevant in this context. SPN is short for Suspect Parameter Numbers and represents fault codes that indicate that something is wrong with the vehicle or equipment. SPN codes specify the type of vehicle and where it was issued, provide important information about specific malfunctions, and help to quickly and seamlessly resolve issues with the equipment.

An example of John Deere SPN codes is SPN 157 which informs that fuel pressure is low or rail pressure sensor voltage is out of range. SPN codes are applicable only in John Deere equipment that uses a J1939 CAN data link.

In every instance, our Jaltest John Deere engine live monitoring tool will guide and handhold you through the most optimized solutions so that your equipment is back on the job at the earliest.

Need help with your John Deere Contruction Equipment?

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John Deere Engine Live Monitoring Features 

There are a host of functions that can be carried out with the John Deere Engine Live Monitoring features that help you identify any problem before it can adversely impact the performance of the engine. You get key insights into equipment performance parameters that enhance productivity and ensure that your machine performs optimally under the right conditions.

With John Deere engine live monitoring, you can track live engine RPM and Load in real time on the “Right Now” tab of the Operations Center Mobile to know the current working conditions. Similarly, the “Today” tab provides daily updates on equipment utilization including fuel consumption and utilization hours. By monitoring fuel consumption, you can be sure that your equipment will never go into “Empty” mode at peak operating times.

Jaltest John Deere Diagnostic Software technical information

Let us take an example of John Deere excavator engine live monitoring and what you can do with this feature.

The remote monitoring capabilities are as follows.

  • Monitor the current engine load and RPM live and in real-time.
  • Track the volume of fuel in your equipment and fill it up before it grinds to a halt.
  • Know where the equipment is located and how many hours of fuel is remaining in it.
  • Check the utilization of the equipment and for how long is it idling, working, or transporting. This is important to know the level of your return on capital investment.

The diagnostic capabilities are as follows.

  • Remote diagnostics and programming by connecting remotely with the Jaltest John Deere engine code reader. It allows you to read and clear John Deere trouble codes and record performance data so that engine parameter settings can be carried out whenever needed for best performance and productivity.
  • Quick alerts provided by technologically advanced algorithms that analyze machine data to recognize potential flash codes before they become major issues leading to downtime.
  • Updates about the entire operations including field and machine updates are provided around the clock.
  • John Deere trouble codes are flashed on the diagnostic software that you can check from our Jaltest John Deere engine fault codes list. Once you get information about possible engine or other system issues, you can carry out full system scans to locate the malfunction and set it right.
John Deere diagnostic scan tool for quick and efficient diagnostics of machinery performance and issues

When you undertake a John Deere engine system check, you can either opt for periodical full system scans or scan by symptoms when a trouble code pops up. In the first instance, you scan all the systems, starting from the engines and going to transmission, hydraulics, and more. Any small issue will be identified and you can immediately resolve the issue without having to go through lengthy procedures.

On the other hand, when you scan by specific systems, our John Deere engine code reader will first prompt you to provide a series of information ranging from the make and model of the equipment to the nature of the fault before advising on how to set it right.

Read more about John Deere diagnostic software.

John Deere Diagnostic Tool for efficient troubleshooting and maintenance of John Deere equipment and machinery

Setting John Deere Engine Parameters

Taking up John Deere engine parameter setting is not a complex activity once you use the Jaltest engine code reader software. Engine parameter settings maximize productivity and performance and you get the most out of your equipment. The parameters set depend on the work being done, the condition of the terrain, and several other factors. For example, dozers are used in various challenging terrains and hence, the John Deere dozer engine parameter setting will take this factor into account.

The model of the equipment and the job on hand also play a major role in determining the parameters that include engine power limits, maximum engine speeds, and other engine metrics.

John Deere diagnostic scan tool for efficient machinery troubleshooting and maintenance with clear display and controls

The John Deere engine parameter setting is done by connecting the Jaltest John Deere engine fault codes list software to the onboard computer of the equipment and adjusting engine parameters. You need to access the software and navigate to the “engine” option in the menu. Now set the various engine parameters that will optimize the performance of the equipment from the drop-down menu.

John Deere Trouble Codes And Forced Regens

Forced regen is one of the most critical activities on the John Deere engine fault codes list and a complex one too. Forced regens become essential when there is soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter of a diesel-powered engine and passive regens are unable to clear the soot. Depending on the severity of the soot accumulation, it is not uncommon for equipment to seize up and go into limp mode.

When such a trouble code shows up on the Jaltest John Deere engine code reader, the software will take steps to clear the soot through forced regens. Typically, it means running the engine for around 40 minutes at a rev as specified in the software ranging from High to Very High based on the extent of soot accumulation.

The rise in temperature of the exhaust gas due to the constant running at a high rev burns off the collected soot in the diesel particulate filter and frees up the engine. This fault happens in diesel-powered engines that have stop-go-stop driving cycles like dozers and excavators and not long-haul buses and trucks that run for extended periods.

Summing Up

The Jaltest Jogn Deere engine code reader is optimized for your John Deere equipment regardless of its make or use. Our user-friendly software guides you on clearing John Deere trouble codes so that your equipment gets dealer-level servicing on your premises and downtime, if any, is at a minimum.

Further, our software has an edge over others in this niche because it is very user-friendly. Unlike others, you do not have to go through elaborate set up and configuration processes when installing the software on your laptop. It is an easy plug-and-play job and your tool is ready for fault code diagnosis within no time.

Finally, we provide three updates to the software every year to keep abreast of technological innovations to John Deere equipment. This is to ensure that our maintenance tool does not become obsolete.

Troubleshooting and Calibrating Hitachi Heavy Equipment Hydraulic Issues

Troubleshooting and Calibrating Hitachi Heavy Equipment Hydraulic Issues

The Hitachi Construction Company Ltd is a global leader in manufacturing heavy equipment, primarily in the construction niche. The first Japanese mechanical excavator was designed and manufactured in 1970 by Hitachi and today, the company has set benchmarks in excavator productivity and reliability.

This post will go into the main areas of Hitachi excavator troubleshooting and Hitachi excavator fault codes, with a special focus on Hitachi excavator hydraulic problems.

If you have a fleet of Hitachi excavator construction equipment, it is essential that you have the Jaltest Hitachi excavator fault code list software to clear your equipment of any malfunction. When any fault codes pop up in the onboard computer, simply connect our software to it and get detailed technical and maintenance information in real time about the health of the excavator and where the fault is located.

Jaltest Off Highway Construction Diagnostic kit

You will also be guided on how to clear the fault codes so that your excavator is back on the job without prolonged downtime. The fault code may also be termed as Hitachi excavator trouble code (DTC or Diagnostic Trouble Code).

Now, let us understand the fundamentals of hydraulic systems before going further into the intricacies of Hitachi excavator hydraulic calibration. The hydraulics of an excavator are powered by fluid driven by various pumps. The hydraulic systems generate and transmit power through pressurized oil or hydraulic fluid and move the equipment by converting mechanical power into hydraulic power.

The flow and pressure of hydraulic pumps are sourced from fluid stored in a reservoir which moves through the hydraulic network, thereby operating cylinders, motors, and other hydraulic devices. So, what is Hitachi hydraulic system calibration?

Jaltest Hitachi Diagnostic software for calibration

Any hydraulic system is factory-calibrated to offer the best operating productivity under standard working conditions. However, when the set calibration goes out of parameters, the performance of the equipment will be affected giving rise to fault codes because of malfunctioning components and systems. It is here that the Jaltest Hitachi excavator troubleshooting tool will help you calibrate the hydraulic systems on the premises so that your equipment is back on the job in peak performance mode.

 Click here to find how we can help you with Hitachi construction equipment. 

Calibrating Hydraulic Systems and Troubleshooting Excavators From Hitachi 

Hitachi Excavator Hydraulic Calibration

If you want to ensure peak performance from your Hitachi excavator, you must calibrate the hydraulic systems of your Hitachi excavator and adjust the settings and parameters. General values that need to be set for calibration are control response, flow rate of hydraulic fluids, and pressure.

You should use our Jaltest Hitachi excavator troubleshooting tool to modify and adjust the functions of the system so that you are assured of optimized output from your excavator, however challenging the terrain or the conditions might be. The work of calibrating hydraulic systems in Hitachi excavators involves setting key components such as solenoid valves, position sensors, and attachment controls. You can also adjust flow rates and pressure levels, and control valve timings and position sensor readings.

Hitachi Construction Equipment Diagnostic Software for advanced equipment analysis and performance monitoring

Hence, the goal of taking up Hitachi hydraulic system calibration is to get the most out of your equipment by adjusting settings to the manufacturer’s specifications. These together after calibration ensure that you get seamless movements and operations of the hydraulic functions of Hitachi excavators.

When you use the Jaltest software for Hitachi hydraulic system calibration, you will be guided in every step of the procedure. From detailed hydraulic system diagrams to precise settings for calibration, you get the best results every time.

Most importantly, our intuitive and user-friendly diagnostic menu will take you through the complete procedure of calibration for a wide range of components and systems. These include the position sensors that track the positions of the attachments, hydraulic cylinders, and steering controls. You can also calibrate the solenoid valves that control specific functions of the hydraulic systems such as bucket movements in Hitachi excavators.

Hitachi Diagnostic Tool for efficient automotive diagnostics and repairs, featuring advanced technology for accurate results

While we have checked the fundamentals of calibrating hydraulic systems of Hitachi excavators, the point is why you should do so and the benefits that it brings to the table.

The main factor is that when you calibrate the excavator to factor settings or ones that match your specific needs, you improve efficiency as the precise settings result in fuel economy and greater productivity. Further, calibration lowers wear and tear on the hydraulic systems as they are fine-tuned to the right levels. This reduces the cost of frequent component repair or replacement.

Finally, and this is vital from the man-management angle, calibration assures driver safety as the response to the machine to controls is always predictable, consistent, and dependable.

Jaltest Software and Hitachi Excavator Troubleshooting

The Jaltest software helps to keep your Hitachi excavator consistently in peak operating mode by clearing fault codes whenever they arise. You can also pre-empt a Hitachi fault code for your excavator by taking preventive action. Both options are built into the Jaltest maintenance tool. Let us understand each of the actions separately in detail.

The Jaltest maintenance tool has an option for full system scans for construction equipment that you should carry out at fixed intervals. Once you connect the software laptop to the onboard computer, you will be prompted to select the equipment manufacturer, make, and model. Next, carry out a scan of all the systems in your Hitachi excavator. Any minor Hitachi fault code will be pointed out that can be cleared through the software before it becomes a full-blown issue.

Hitachi Diagnostic Tool with a sturdy design, cables, and connectors for precise vehicle diagnostics and performance analysis

This preventive measure ensures that your excavator is always on the job. While troubleshooting the Hitachi excavator, you might also come up against major issues like force regens or trouble codes with the hydraulic systems. In this case, too, our software will identify the problem and guide you through rectification processes. What helps is that you will have data in real-time as well as detailed wiring diagrams to pinpoint the exact location of the fault.

Let us check the Hitachi fault code troubleshooting and clearing with an example of Hitachi EX120 hydraulic problems.

The Hitachi EX120 Excavator is a powerful piece of heavy machinery widely used in a wide range of construction and industrial applications. One of the key features of this excavator is its powerful and technologically advanced hydraulic system.

Hitachi Diagnostic Parameter and calibration interface displaying system settings, adjustments, and calibration options

However, like any other type of construction equipment, Hitachi EX120’s hydraulic problems do crop up. These include air in the system, overheating, hydraulic leaks due to worn seals, issues with the hydraulic pumps, and contaminated hydraulic fluid. Also common are potential problems with swing motors or travel motors. All these result in operational issues, reduced performance, and productivity.

There are several ways to diagnose Hitachi EX120 hydraulic problems. The most obvious is visual inspection where you check for fluid condition, leaks, and possible damage to connections and hoses. If fluid contamination is an issue, a sample should be sent to a lab for diagnosis before changing it.

You should also use the Jaltest software to monitor hydraulic pressure at various operating points to check for pressure inconsistencies or drops. The maintenance tool will guide you through the resolutions and ensure that your Hitachi EX120 hydraulic problems are resolved.

Read more about troubleshooting Hitachi excavators.

Close-up of the Hitachi Diagnostic Tool, displaying its screen and buttons, designed for accurate diagnostics and maintenance

Hitachi Excavator Troubleshooting and Forced Regens

One of the most complex activities for troubleshooting Hitachi excavators is force regens on diesel-powered engines that are carried out to perfection by our Jaltest Hitachi construction equipment diagnostic software. Excavators are typically run on diesel power and hence, force regens is very necessary to keep the excavators on the job.

Force regens become essential when soot builds up in the diesel particulate filter and passive regens are unable to clear it. This leads to the engine seizing up and the excavator going into limp mode. Soot accumulation is very common in diesel engines that work in short spells such as excavators and do not run continuously like long-haul trucks and buses.

Close-up of the Hitachi Diagnostic Tool, a compact device with a screen and buttons for advanced equipment diagnostics

Through the Hitachi excavator fault codes list you will know if there is soot buildup and forced regen is required. When the specific fault code shows on the software laptop, you will be guided on how best to clear the soot. You will be given High to Very High choices depending on the extent of soot in the diesel particulate filter.

The software will take you through the forced regens activity. It typically requires the engine of the excavator to be run continuously for around 40 minutes at a specific engine rev as noted by the software. The rise in temperature of the exhaust gas burns off the soot and the excavator is soon back in working condition.

Summing Up

Whether it is Hitachi excavator troubleshooting or performing Hitachi hydraulic system calibration, depend on the Jaltest Hitachi excavator software to deliver optimized results. Our intuitive maintenance tool handholds you through the Hitachi excavator fault code list, reads and interprets it, and finally offers advanced cutting-edge and optimized solutions to clear the fault codes.

What helps is that you get maintenance and technical data in real-time as well as deep coverage of wiring diagrams of all systems and components of excavators. By following the diagrams, you can precisely locate the fault and implement resolutions that are no less than dealer-level servicing.

What sets our software apart from others in this niche is the ease of setting it up in the software laptop. There is no elaborate set up or configuration process to follow. Simply download the software, plug it into the onboard control port of the excavator and you are ready to diagnose fault codes.

Finally, we provide three updates to our software every year. This is to keep abreast of any technological innovations implemented in Hitachi excavators and to ensure that the our Hitachi excavator troubleshooting tool never becomes obsolete.

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L'importance du dépannage des tracteurs avec des outils de diagnostic