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Ford Transit AWD System Troubleshooting: How to Keep Your All-Wheel Drive Running Smoothly

Dépannage du système AWD Ford Transit : Comment maintenir votre transmission intégrale en bon état de marche

Ford a ajouté deux variantes à sa famille de véhicules utilitaires – les variantes Trail et Active sur ses gammes Transit (2 tonnes) et Transit Custom. Ces modèles ont chacun des objectifs différents aux deux extrémités du spectre. L'un est conçu pour négocier des terrains difficiles, hors route ou sur des chantiers de construction, et l'autre est destiné à répondre aux modes de vie "actifs". Dans les deux cas, il est nécessaire d'avoir une bonne adhérence sur Codes de défaut du système AWS Ford Transit pour garantir que votre véhicule est toujours en parfait état de fonctionnement.

Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur le système AWS du Ford Transit.

Avant d'entrer dans les détails du logiciel de diagnostic Ford, il est nécessaire d'avoir une compréhension de base du système Ford Transit mLSD AWD. Le véhicule est conçu pour avoir une traction supplémentaire sur des surfaces glissantes et molles, vous donnant la confiance nécessaire pour conduire sur des pistes hors route. Cela est possible car le mLSD déplace automatiquement le couple moteur dans des conditions glissantes vers la roue qui a le plus de traction, permettant au Transit de se déplacer en douceur sur l'obstacle à venir.

Une partie de la liste de suivi des codes de diagnostic de Ford est le système de contrôle électronique de la stabilité qui a été recalibré pour s'aligner avec le mLSD. C'est un système qui améliore les caractéristiques de maniabilité du Ford Transit sans avoir d'effet sur l'efficacité énergétique ou les émissions de CO2. Aucune intervention supplémentaire du conducteur n'est requise pour plus de traction car le véhicule détecte et ajuste l'accélération en conséquence.

L'outil de diagnostic Jaltest pour le système AWS de la Ford Transit 

Lorsque les voyants d'avertissement s'allument sur le tableau de bord de votre véhicule Ford Transit AWS, considérez cela comme un cri de détresse des systèmes internes du véhicule. Heureusement, les véhicules modernes, y compris les flottes Ford Transit, sont équipés du système de diagnostic embarqué 2 (OBD 2) qui peut vous informer de tout problème sous forme de voyants d'avertissement Ford Transit sur le tableau de bord.

Une fois que vous savez comment lire les codes OBD 2, vous obtenez des informations sur la santé du véhicule et pouvez prendre des mesures préventives avant qu'ils ne deviennent des problèmes majeurs entraînant une panne. Avec notre outil de diagnostic Ford, vous pouvez soit effectuer un scan complet du système pour savoir si toutes les métriques fonctionnent de manière satisfaisante, soit entreprendre des scans par symptômes afin que des problèmes spécifiques soient résolus et que votre flotte de Ford Transit soit toujours sur la route.  

Nous allons maintenant passer à la partie principale du diagnostic du véhicule Ford Transit et obtenir plus d'informations sur le fonctionnement des codes du système OBD 2.

Comprendre la liste des codes d'erreur Ford 

Le Service système AWS Ford Transit les recommandations sont conçues pour maintenir votre flotte en marche, quel que soit le martèlement qu'elle pourrait subir dans des terrains difficiles. Le système OBD 2 est une partie standard de tous les véhicules fabriqués aux États-Unis après 1996. Le principal objectif du système est de suivre la performance de plusieurs paramètres du véhicule, y compris les émissions, le moteur, les transmissions, la surchauffe, et plus encore. Toutes ces informations sont continuellement recueillies par des capteurs et vous sont communiquées par les voyants d'avertissement Ford Transit.

Notre scanner de codes d'erreur Ford peut lire le langage secret utilisé par le véhicule pour vous communiquer tout problème. Lorsque le véhicule rencontre un problème dans ses systèmes, un code est généré par l'OBD 2 qui se réfère à un problème ou dysfonctionnement spécifique. Ces codes sont des indices précieux qui aident à diagnostiquer et résoudre tout problème. Cela évite les suppositions de votre part sur ce qui ne va pas, afin que des remèdes précis puissent être élaborés.

Contactez-nous à propos du scanner de code de défaut Ford Transit.

Lecture des codes OBD 2 du système AWD de la Ford Transit 

Vous trouverez le port OBD 2 situé soit sous le tableau de bord du côté du conducteur, soit près de la console centrale. Il a une forme unique avec deux rangées de broches et est facile à identifier. Vous pouvez consulter le Manuel pour connaître sa position précise.

Voici les étapes pour lire les codes OBD 2 et comment les interpréter.

Étape 1 : Utilisez un outil de diagnostic Ford 

Pour récupérer les codes OBD 2, vous aurez besoin d'un lecteur de codes ou d'un outil de diagnostic et de dépannage. Le scanner de diagnostic Jaltest Ford sera très utile ici. Il peut lire tous les codes d'erreur allant des moteurs aux transmissions en passant par les ordinateurs de bord de votre flotte de Ford Transit et prendre des mesures préventives ou correctives qui ne sont pas inférieures à un service de niveau concessionnaire.  

Étape 2 : Connectez le scanner à la liste des codes d'erreur Jaltest Ford   

Insérez le connecteur de la Logiciel de diagnostic Ford Dans le port OBD 2 du Transit. Gardez l'allumage en position "on" mais le moteur ne doit pas tourner.

Étape 3 : Lisez les codes 

Notre liste de codes d'erreur Ford fournit des instructions sur la façon de lire les codes. Le scanner affiche une liste de caractères alphanumériques, chacun représentant des problèmes spécifiques dans le système AWS du Ford Transit.

Comment Interpréter les Codes OBD 2 

Après avoir récupéré les codes OBD 2, vous devez maintenant les décoder. C'est ce que fait le Jaltest de pointe Codes de diagnostic de panne Ford la liste est optimisée pour faire. Le code se compose de cinq caractères, le premier étant une lettre et les quatre suivants des chiffres.

C'est ainsi que l'outil de diagnostic décode la liste des défauts.

  • Le premier caractère est une lettre de l'alphabet qui désigne le système ou la zone où se trouve le défaut. Par exemple, "C" désigne les problèmes de châssis, "P" pour le groupe motopropulseur, "U" pour la communication réseau, et "B" pour la carrosserie.
  • À partir du deuxième caractère, ce sont des chiffres. Le premier chiffre est un 1 ou un 0. Le chiffre 1 signifie que le problème est spécifique au fabricant, tandis que 0 indique que le problème est générique.
  • Les troisième, quatrième et cinquième numéros fournissent progressivement des informations sur le problème au sein du système.

Pour lire correctement les codes et prendre des mesures au niveau du service, vous aurez besoin d'un outil de dépannage comme notre scanner de diagnostic Ford.

Codes de défauts courants pour le système AWS de Ford Transit

Maintenant que vous savez comment lire les codes OBD 2, voici quelques exemples pour vous aider à mieux comprendre le concept.

  • P0300 - Défaillance aléatoire/multiple de cylindre détectée :

Ce code apparaît lorsqu'il y a plusieurs cylindres de moteur qui ratent. Physiquement, vous sentirez le moteur trembler et produire moins de puissance. Ce code de défaut est généralement dû à des bobines d'allumage défectueuses, des bougies d'allumage ou des problèmes d'alimentation en carburant. 

Les causes possibles incluent des bougies d'allumage défectueuses, des bobines d'allumage ou des problèmes d'alimentation en carburant.

  • P0171 - Système trop pauvre (Banque 1):

Ce code indique que le rapport air-carburant dans le moteur est bas, c'est-à-dire qu'il y a trop d'air et trop peu de carburant. Les causes probables pourraient être des injecteurs de carburant défectueux, des capteurs de débit massique d'air sales ou des fuites de vide. Avec ce problème, vous devez effectuer un service de défaillance du moteur Ford Transit maintenant.

  • P0420 - Efficacité du système catalytique en dessous du seuil (Banque 1) : 

Ce code est un indicateur qu'il y a des problèmes avec le catalyseur qui pourrait ne pas traiter efficacement les gaz d'échappement. Certaines des réparations recommandées incluent soit le remplacement du catalyseur, soit la vérification de l'existence de fuites dans l'échappement.

Un autre code d'erreur important qui pourrait apparaître dans notre Scanner de codes de défaut Ford il y a une accumulation excessive de suie dans le filtre à particules diesel. Cela empêche le véhicule de fonctionner en mode de performance optimale et il pourrait même passer en mode dégradé. Pour prévenir cette possibilité, nous effectuons des régénérations forcées et mesurons la pression et la température des gaz d'échappement.

Dépannage par étapes pour le système AWS du Ford Transit 

Comment utiliser notre logiciel de diagnostic Ford pour obtenir les meilleures performances de votre Ford Transit ? Voici un processus étape par étape pour utiliser notre outil de dépannage.

  • Connectez l'outil Jaltest au port OBD et lisez le code d'erreur affiché sur le logiciel de diagnostic.
  • Selon le code de défaut, prenez un service de niveau concessionnaire si nécessaire. Vérifiez les composants associés pour des signes visibles d'usure. Notre logiciel offre même des conseils sur les procédures de remplacement des composants.
  • Si vous vous basez sur des analyses système en fonction des symptômes, vous pourriez avoir besoin d'utiliser des outils spécifiques comme un testeur de compression ou un multimètre pour diagnostiquer les systèmes.
  • cas de diagnostic montrant des pièces et composants défectueux, remplacez-les ou réparez-les.

Après que les problèmes ont été résolus, utilisez notre scanner pour effacer le Codes de défaut de diagnostic Ford. Pour être sûr du véhicule, faites un essai routier pour confirmer que tous les problèmes ont été résolus.


    De nombreux éléments de la liste des codes de défaut Ford peuvent être évités grâce à un entretien préventif de votre flotte de véhicules Ford Transit. Assurez-vous d'effectuer un entretien et une maintenance réguliers comme conseillé par le fabricant du véhicule pour éviter les problèmes qui entraînent des codes de défaut et donc des réparations potentiellement coûteuses.

    Dans la plupart des cas, la maintenance préventive ne signifie pas passer par des procédures élaborées. Des changements d'huile réguliers, la vérification et le remplacement des bougies d'allumage usées ou sales, ainsi que le remplacement des filtres à air et à carburant sont tout ce qui doit être fait.   

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    A Comprehensive Guide To The Volvo Penta Scan Tool

    A Comprehensive Guide To The Volvo Penta Scan Tool

    Do you have various marine vessels and equipment powered by Volvo Penta engines? If your answer is YES, you will surely need the Volvo Penta scanner to ensure that your fleet is always in peak performance mode.

    However, before going into the Jaltest Volvo Penta scanner tool, it is necessary to understand the wide range of Volvo Penta products available.

    Volvo Penta engines have several applications and often region-wise popularity. Their agricultural machinery engines are used all over Europe but not so much in North America. However, when it comes to construction equipment such as heavy-duty excavators, dozers, wheel loaders, power generation, and material handling equipment, Volvo Penta engines are very common on North America.

    Marine Diagnostic Kit

    When it comes to marine engines, Volvo Penta is a name to reckon with internationally. They are highly efficient with an exclusive marine torque which is a specialty of this brand. The engines have a very reliable design, high fuel efficiency, rapid cruising speed, and great maneuverability.

    Our Volvo Penta marine diagnostic tool is good for both gasoline and diesel marine inboard engines.  

    Volvo Penta diesel and gasoline engines

    Our Jaltest Volvo Penta marine scan tool ensures that fault codes for a wide range of applications are identified and cleared as soon as possible. These include the Volvo Penta D4 (light commercial), and D6 engines ((yacht Boats like Grady-White and Pursuit use D6 engines). Further, our Volvo Penta scan tool covers the heavy-duty and highly rated Volvo Penta D13 engines used for fishing boats and large sport-fishing boats like Viking and Bertram as well as luxury yachts from brands like Azimuth, Princess, and Sunseeker.

    The Jaltest maintenance tool is optimized for gasoline engines, especially the V8 300 and V8 35. Another powerful engine from the Volvo Penta stable is the 5.0 GXi with a 5.0-liter displacement and roller valve lifters that reduces friction and improves performance. It offers great fuel efficiency and power in the range of 270 HP. Any issue with this high advanced engine can be scanned and quickly rectified with our Volvo Penta 5.0 GXi diagnostic tool.   

    Our Volvo Penta marine scan tool carries out full system scans as a preventive measure so that any minor issue does not become a major problem and disrupt your sea-faring trips. When you use our Jaltest Volvo Penta engine diagnostic tools, you get global coverage of Volvo Penta engines, starting from Tier 1 and 2 all the way to Tier 5, something that other tools in this niche cannot boast of.   

    Need help with your Volvo Penta Engines?

    Click Here

    Extensive Coverage with the Volvo Penta Scan Tool

    Regardless of the type of Volvo Penta engine and its usage, our Volvo Penta scanner has you covered with a wide range of troubleshooting options either prevention or rectification of fault codes.

    Preventive Maintenance 

    In the first instance, you can carry out periodical full system scans so that even the most minor issue is quickly identified and solved before it becomes a full-blown problem leading to downtime of your vessel or equipment. There are various system checks that can be performed as a part of preventive maintenance activity. These include checks for cylinder balance, fuel consumption, NOX conversion, cylinder cutout, oil pressure, cylinders compression, and the injector buzz test.

    Fault Rectification Solutions

    The second instance is when maintenance and rectification actions have to be taken and scans carried out as per symptoms displayed as fault codes. If a fault code does pop up in your engine, our Volvo Penta scanner tool, through a very intuitive and user-friendly dashboard, helps you to identify it and offers cutting-edge solutions. Applying these solutions as guided by our software assists you in bringing the engine back to working condition at the earliest.

    These solutions cover a wide range of systems and components of your Volvo Penta engine. Among the critical systems covered are the functions of the engine management control unit, fan control unit, CAN high/low diagnostic line, oil pressure sensor, engine RPM sensor in the crankshaft, and more.

    Maintenance and fault rectification in these systems are helped by the Jaltest Volvo Penta OBD scanner through several metrics such as fault code reading, clearing fault codes, monitoring and setting parameters, calibration, actuating components, and even a live data recorder. Even when parts or components are required to be changed, our Volvo Penta engine diagnostic tools will handhold you through the entire process.    

    Jaltest Volvo Penta Marine Diagnostic Tool

    The Volvo Penta marine scan tool displays all the technical and system information that is required to keep your vessel in top-performance mode. You can select one or several metrics from the diagnostic dashboard such as engine, electronic module, instrument cluster, powertrain, steering, and more. As mentioned before, when you choose “all,” the software will perform full system scans or you can select a specific system for detailed analysis of the fault.

    Additionally, our Volvo Penta scan tool provides a range of system technical data with complete wiring diagrams. This will help you to accurately pinpoint the fault and the precise location, thereby implementing solutions usually found at dealer levels.

    You can also use the Volvo Penta marine scan tool for many critical functions. You can work on the helm control unit, carry out compression checks, set up collaboration helm, and check ignition coils. The Jaltest marine software for Volvo Penta engines also has steering diagnostic functions as well as calibration of control levers and parameter settings. It allows you to modify the injector code in the ECM when an injector is installed or replaced.

    Providing detailed technical data is an integral part of the Volvo Penta scan tool. It helps you to access the diagnostic menu and verify several metrics for fault codes. For example, in the menu, go to cylinder cut-out and check injectors and ignition coils, idle speed, acceleration sensors, oxygen probe and do compression tests. Similarly, each system of the Volvo Penta engine is thoroughly scrutinized and faults rectified to keep the vessel on the go.  

    Read more about Volvo Penta diesel engine fault codes.

    Forced Regens With The Volvo Penta Scan Tool

    For owners of vessels and equipment run on diesel engines, carrying out forced regens is not unusual. So, what is this essential activity that stops diesel engines from seizing up and going into limp mode?

    It is very common for soot to buildup in the diesel particulate filter in diesel engines. It especially happens when engines do not run continuously but rather on a stop-go-stop mode such as excavators, dozers, and other construction and material handling equipment. When the condition of the filter is severe with soot, the engine stops working and the accumulated matter has to be cleared up.

    Forced regens is an essential activity that is performed by Jaltest Volvo Penta engine diagnostic tools. The specific fault code surfaces when the passive regens are unable to clear the soot and external maintenance action is required to clear it. This is the role of forced regens in the Volvo Penta scanner, to identify the fault and clear it.

    Typically, forced regens is done by running the engine continuously for about 40 minutes at a rev that is specified by the Jaltest Volvo Penta scanner tool. You will get the precise setting in the diagnostic menu ranging from High to Very High depending on the extent of soot buildup. Running the engine at a stretch raises the temperature of the exhaust gasses, thereby burning off the soot. Forced regens is a critical activity that must be periodically carried out on diesel-powered Volvo Penta engines.  

    Technologically Advanced Functions of The Volvo Penta Scanner 

    The Jaltest Volvo Penta scan tool provides detailed information about how to carry out corrective action and clear fault codes on Volvo Penta engines regardless of the make or model. An example will help readers to understand the fault clearance cycle better.

    Let us consider the identification and rectification of the fault code related to the fuel-system of a six-cylinder Volvo Penta engine. The Jaltest Volvo Penta scanner will help you to navigate the solution process seamlessly through the software when a fault code pops up.

    The flow chart of different components will show on the scanner laptop such as the AHI, Hydrocarbon Metering Valve, Fuel Pressure Sensor, and Electronic Control Unit Supply Voltage. During troubleshooting all technical data like Engine Load and Engine Speed will also be before you to make the fault clearance task a breeze.

    Summing Up

    The Jaltest Volvo Penta engine diagnostic tool is optimized for the complete range of Volvo Penta engines irrespective of the application. Hence, you can carry out cutting-edge diagnostics on Volvo Penta engines used in construction and agricultural equipment, generators, and other stationary machinery. Most importantly Volvo Penta engines are extensively used in marine applications, ranging from small fishing vessels to luxury yachts. 

    What sets our Volvo Penta scan tool apart from others in this niche is how easily the software can be configured and set up. Unlike our competitors, the Volvo Penta scanner does not require any elaborate processes to start off.

    Further, we offer three updates to our software every year. This is to keep up with the technological innovations being frequently implemented in Volvo Penta engines.
    An In-Depth Review Of The Caterpillar Scanner And Diagnostic Software

    An In-Depth Review Of The Caterpillar Scanner And Diagnostic Software

    Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, off-highway gas and diesel engines, diesel and electric locomotives, and industrial gas turbines. For over 100 years, the company has made a name for itself in product durability and quality and more recently, in machinery that contributes to a reduced carbon future.

    However, what sets Caterpillar equipment apart from their competitors is its constant technological innovations. Take the example of CAT Command where operators can control their machines from outside their equipment. It is very useful in tough conditions to prevent injury to personnel. That Caterpillar is the leading manufacturer of quality products is evident in all their products.

    In this post, the focus will be on Caterpillar construction equipment such as dozers, excavators, skid steers, compact track loaders, articulated trucks, and motor graders and the Caterpillar scanner to use if you own a fleet of them.

    Caterpillar diagnostic Kit

    Caterpillar Construction Equipment And The CAT Diagnostic Computer

    Even though Caterpillar material handling equipment is considered the best in this niche, it is not unusual for simple or complex problems to occasionally crop up. In this case, with the Caterpillar diagnostic tool, you can quickly check for malfunctions and take rectification action before they become too big which might lead to downtime and loss of revenue.

    Most importantly, our Jaltest Caterpillar diagnostic software makes sure that fault codes are diagnosed in-house and solutions implemented so that no time is wasted and the equipment is soon back on the job.  

    The reason why our Jaltest Caterpillar scanner diagnostic tool is a leader in its class is because it is customized for a wide range of Caterpillar construction equipment. These include but are not restricted to such world-class Caterpillar equipment as the Cat d6t dozer, Cat 930H wheel loader, Cat 259D compact track loader, 336F excavator, Skid steers, and many others.

    Our CAT diagnostic software has a very intuitive and user-friendly dashboard from where you can get all information about the health of your equipment by connecting it to the onboard computer. Fault codes and all technical data can be obtained from the software that is related to hydraulics, engines, transmissions, brakes, lights, and many more components and systems. Quick solutions are offered in the diagnostic tool to get your equipment back on the job without wasting time calling in external certified engineers.

    Need help with your Caterpillar Construction Equipment?

    Click Here

    Cutting-edge Diagnostics With The Caterpillar Scanner & Diagnostic Tool

    Before going further into the functioning of our Caterpillar scanner, a quick word on Caterpillar fault codes that are cleared by the Jaltest diagnostic tool.

    Every modern piece of equipment today has an onboard computer that reflects the health of the machinery through certain alphanumeric codes. Any malfunction of a system or component corresponds to a fault code, usually alphanumeric, that is shown on the display screen below the dashboard on the driver’s side along with warning lights and alarm.

    When our CAT diagnostic computer is connected to the onboard computer the specific fault code shows up here too along with the nature of the issue and the required rectification actions to be taken.

    Our Caterpillar scanner provides great coverage of your construction equipment which include engines, hydraulics, transmissions, body computers, powertrains, instrument clusters, and several other systems. Once the fault code is identified, a host of functions, even the most complex ones like bi-directional activities and forced regens can be easily performed in-house to keep your equipment on the job.

    What helps in diagnosing and clearing fault codes with our Caterpillar diagnostic tool is the detailed technical information, maintenance data, and wiring diagrams provided in the software. Hence, any component fault can be easily detected from among hundreds of parts in the equipment from its precise location on the wiring diagram, and corrective action is initiated.

    Deep coverage of maintenance data also helps users of Caterpillar equipment to carry out various types of preventive and maintenance activities. You can calibrate joysticks, set up flows and pressures on excavators, calibrate booms, perform dump on wheel loaders, calibrate the blade on a motor grader and transmissions, and much more.

    With this one Jaltest Caterpillar scanner diagnostics, you can keep your construction equipment in peak performance mode through services that are at par with those offered by dealers.

    Preventive and Corrective Troubleshooting With The Caterpillar Diagnostic Tool

    The focus of the Jaltest Caterpillar digital diagnostic tool is to ensure that your equipment is always in top operating mode. There are two ways to ensure this, by taking preventive action or by solutions that are specific to symptoms and fault codes. Both processes are built into the CAT diagnostic computer.

    The first is taking preventive measures to thwart any serious malfunction. Through our diagnostic menu, you can periodically undertake full system scans to identify any minor fault codes that might cause serious damage to your equipment if left unattended. These fault codes are temporary and typically go away after a few driving cycles. However, identifying them and clearing these fault codes prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

    The other use of the Caterpillar scanner is taking up scanning by symptoms. This is done when specific fault codes are shown and relevant action needs to be taken. Our maintenance tool will handhold you through the necessary action required to clear the fault code and bring your equipment back to working condition. The software will confirm that all critical parameters are working as per settings calibrated by you.

    In short, it is always advisable to carry out full system scans on your Caterpillar construction equipment to pre-empt any malfunction, especially during peak operating seasons.

    Read more about fault codes for Caterpillar construction equipment.

    Caterpillar Engine Diagnostic Scanner

    So long in this post, we have gone through the details of various systems of Caterpillar equipment and how the CAT diagnostic computer resolves the issues. Let us now check a key activity of a critical machinery of Caterpillar construction equipment which is the engine.

    If you find the engine warning lights flashing, you must prioritize its solution over everything else. Whenever you find the engine of any Caterpillar construction equipment not sounding right or running rough, check the fault code and reach for the CAT engine diagnostic software to know what action must be taken to clear it.

    It is always advisable to resolve the fault codes and not operate the equipment. However, in some cases where the equipment has to be moved to another location for better fault resolutions, make sure that any other warning lights of critical components like transmission and hydraulics are not on.

    The biggest problem is that it is very difficult to say what is wrong with the engine without using our advanced Jaltest Caterpillar engine diagnostic scanner. It might be anything simple like a loose wire or something more complicated like soot buildup that requires activating force regens to prevent the equipment from going into limp mode.

    It should be mentioned here that our Jaltest Caterpillar digital diagnostic tool performs force regens for Caterpillar equipment up to Level 2 though it goes much beyond that for other brands of construction equipment.

    Now, what is forced regens that is taken care of with our CAT engine diagnostic software?

    For diesel engines only, soot builds up in the diesel particulate filter, prevents the engine from performing at top capacity, and pushes the equipment towards limp mode. Forced regens carried out with our Jaltest software are the highest level of maintenance activity and are done when the usual passive regens cannot stop this soot accumulation in the DPF. When this happens, it shows up as a fault code in the Caterpillar scanner and must be cleared at the earliest.

    Soot buildup usually occurs when the equipment does not run for long stretches at a time but carries out stop-go operations, common for construction equipment like tractors, dozers, and excavators. When force regens is required, our Caterpillar engine diagnostic scanner will guide you through the process. It will advise whether to go for High or Very High settings depending on the extent of soot buildup. 

    Force regens is done by running the engine continuously for about 40 minutes at a specific rev as guided by the CAT engine diagnostic software. This leads to a rise in the temperature of the exhaust gasses that burn off the soot.

    Another powerful maintenance action done by our engine diagnostic software is the code injector scanner. It helps to change the code injector in the Electronic Control Module (ECM) whenever an injector is installed or replaced.

    Summing Up

    The Jaltest Caterpillar scanner is a very user-friendly software that helps users navigate effortlessly through the diagnostic menu. Moreover, the tool can be configured and set up without the need to go through any elaborate processes. This gives our software over others in this niche. Simply plug in the CAT diagnostic computer to the onboard computer of the equipment and you are ready to read fault codes and act as suggested.

    We also offer three updates to our software every year. It keeps abreast of any technical innovations made to Caterpillar construction equipment so that the software never becomes obsolete.
    John Deere Diagnostic Software – The Ultimate Maintenance Software

    John Deere Diagnostic Software – The Ultimate Maintenance Software

    If you are looking for John Deere equipment, there will be a lot on your plate. Deere & Company, carrying on business as John Deere has a wide product range on offer.

    On the one hand, you have heavy construction equipment like the John Deere 350GLC excavators, 850K dozers, 332G compact truck loaders, skid steers, motor graders, articulated trucks, and more. On the other, you have agricultural machinery such as tractors, combine harvesters, wheel loaders, skid steer loaders, and others. In between, you have forestry machinery, diesel engines, drivetrains like axles, gearboxes, transmissions, and even lawn care equipment.  

    With so many different makes and models of equipment, John Deere is a leader in this niche globally and if you have one or a fleet of them you need the John Deere diagnostic software to keep them on the job.

    Off Highway Construction OHW

    Now, what is the function of the John Deere scan tool?

    Every modern vehicle or equipment has an onboard computer that monitors the health of its various systems and components. These include engines, transmissions, hydraulics, HVAC, brake lights, body computers, and others. Whenever, a malfunction in the systems crops up, these are reflected as fault codes on the display panel of the onboard computer located below the dashboard on the driver’s side.

    When you connect our Jaltest John Deere diagnostic scanner to the onboard port, the fault code along with the interpretation and the best solution to the problem will be shown on the software laptop. You can then start resolving the issue and get your equipment back on the job again at the earliest.

    These fault codes may be of two types. One is temporary signifying a minor problem that goes away within a few driving cycles. The other is a more permanent one which persists over time and is usually quite complex like force regens. In this case, our John Deere diagnostic computer will handhold you through the solutions so that even a minor issue does not become a full-blown problem.

    Using the John Deere Scan Tool

    You can use the John Deere diagnostic software both as a preventive measure to forestall major faults from cropping up or as a maintenance tool to rectify any faults with the systems.

    In the first instance, you may perform periodical full system scans to verify if all set parameters are performing as they should. This action will inform you of any minor issue so that you can take measures to prevent it from going out of control and requiring extensive repairs.

    These include keeping a close tab on engines, hydraulic systems, instrument clusters, electronic control modules (ECMs), central computers, powertrains, and other critical components. Regular full-system scans help to keep your equipment on the job without a forced break.

    The second way to use the John Deere diagnostic tool is to scan by symptoms or in other words to take corrective action whenever a fault code crops up. Such maintenance activities ensure the health of your equipment with dealer-level servicing and a host of functions can be carried out in this direction.

    Among the key maintenance activities are performing force regens, code injectors, setting up flows and pressures on excavators, calibrating transmissions, and many others. Whatever might be the fault code, our John Deere scan tool has your back.  

     Click here to find how we can help you with John Deere construction equipment.

    In-Depth Coverage By John Deere Diagnostic Software

    Our John Deere diagnostics carries out in-depth coverage of all heavy-duty construction and agricultural equipment. It is a one-stop solution for troubleshooting faults of all critical systems and components of John Deere equipment like engines, transmissions, hydraulics, body computers, and others. Additionally, our software also covers stationary equipment like air compressors, tower lights, generators, and similar equipment powered by Deere engines.

    Our user-friendly and intuitive software can handle any issue whether minor and major and offer cutting-edge solutions to get your equipment on the job without downtime. This makes sure that all your equipment is functioning at peak performance mode. Your work is made simpler by technical information, maintenance tools and detailed wiring diagrams that are in-built in our John Deere diagnostic tool.  

    John Deere Engine Diagnostic Software

    John Deere diagnostics assists you in setting parameters related to code injectors, flows and pressures, and more on John Deere heavy construction equipment. The user-friendly dashboard of the Jaltest John Deere software makes it very easy to implement oil flow adjustment of hydraulic pumps, adjust engine operating speed, control torque speed, and more.

    One of the critical functions and complex maintenance activities performed by our John Deere engine diagnostic software is force regens on diesel-powered engines, the bulk of which propels John Deere equipment of various models. Forced regens is done when soot accumulates in the diesel particulate filter and needs to be immediately cleared up to prevent the machinery from going into limp mode.

    Forced regens is the highest level of maintenance task that must be done when passive regens have no effect in clearing the diesel particulate filter and it shows up as a fault code on the Jaltest John Deere diagnostic software. The soot buildup primarily occurs when the equipment does not run for long stretches at a time but performs stop-go operations as in excavators, dozers, tractors, agricultural equipment, and the like.

    When the fault code shows up on the Jaltest John Deere engine diagnostic software, our maintenance tool will guide you on the activity required to clear the soot accumulation, varying from High to Very High depending on the extent of soot buildup. This will get your engine running again at peak operating efficiency.

    Generally, when the issue of soot buildup is observed in our John Deere scan tool, it is resolved by running the engine continuously for around 40 minutes at a specific rev that is shown on our maintenance software. This leads to a rise in the temperature of the exhaust gasses which burns away the soot and frees up the engine.

    John Deere Diagnostic Tool For Agricultural Equipment

    John Deere agricultural equipment is internationally famous and a class apart from others in this niche. Just as for heavy construction equipment like tractors, dozers, and excavators, our John Deere diagnostic computer is highly optimized for the brand’s agricultural equipment.

    Read more about John Deere agricultural equipment.

    Keep your fleet of tractors, combine harvesters, wheel loaders, and skid steer loaders on the job by diagnosing fault codes and clearing them at the earliest. Quick preventive action will help you to handle minor issues and rectify them before they become a full-blown problem, leading to downtime and loss of revenue.

    It is not only mobile agricultural equipment that is covered by our John Deere scan tool, even stationary agricultural equipment like generators and air compressors come under the ambit of our software. Even fault codes with self-propelled equipment such as sprayers and forage harvesters are adequately covered by the Jaltest diagnostic tool and cleared.

    Our intuitive dashboard for John Deere agricultural equipment not only guides you to accurately diagnose any fault codes but also offers cutting-edge solutions to prevent downtime. You get the backing of technical data that helps you to get dealer-level service for any faults diagnosed in the John Deere agricultural equipment.  

    After you access the diagnostic menu of the Jaltest John Deere scan tool, there are several options that are displayed on the software laptop before you. Among the systems and components that allow analysis of fault codes and recommended resolutions are the central computer, climate HVAC, Electric Control Module, engine, hydraulic systems, instrument cluster, power take-off, steering, and others.

    Similarly, you get maximized fault code reading and correct solutions through a host of technical data to back you up. Our software provides all wiring diagrams and maintenance data through main system scans, special functions (shortcuts), or all system scans. You can even configure the right tire size needed, lighting, precisely calibrate transmissions and rear hitches, and so much more.

    Our John Deere maintenance tool covers a wide range of agricultural equipment of various makes and models. These include Deere 8R 340, 6120E, 9R 490, S780 combines, and R4039 sprayers, all top-rated equipment that is given dealer-level services through our John Deere diagnostics.   

    Summing Up

    When you use the John Deere diagnostic software, you are assured of excellent services and an optimized fault code reader that ensures that your equipment is always on the job. To help you easily go through the diagnostics and get the best solutions to any issue, we offer detailed wiring diagrams and technical and maintenance data that guide you through any fault code clearance activity, regardless of the complexities of the issue.

    Moreover, what sets the Jaltest John Deere scan tool apart from other competitors in this niche is the seamless manner it can be configured and set up without going through any elaborate processes. Simply plug in the diagnostic laptop to the equipment and you are good to go for fault reading and clearance.

    We also offer three updates to our scan tool every year so that it can keep abreast of any technological innovations made to John Deere equipment.
    All That You Need To Know About The Paccar Fault Code List

    All That You Need To Know About The Paccar Fault Code List

    Paccar is a global technology leader engaged in the design, manufacture, and customer support of light, medium, and heavy-duty trucks. Each of these truck manufacturing companies is a force to reckon with. They are DAF, Kenworth, and Peterbilt. Paccar also designs and manufactures advanced diesel engines and distributes truck parts.

    Paccar Inc. is an American company headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. It was founded in 1971.

    Paccar engines are leaders in this field with engines ranging from light to medium to heavy-duty categories. The hallmark of these engines is delivering excellent torque at low engine speeds and high performance over a wide rev range. The engines have smart fuel injection technology to optimize combustion and fuel efficiency.

    Jaltest Commercial Vehicles Diagnostic Kit

    Apart from use in heavy-duty trucks, Paccar engine-driven vehicles are used in other applications such as trailers, fire trucks, long distance coaches, and more.

    In this post, we will focus on the Paccar fault code list that not only covers the engines such as the Paccar MX13 fault code list and the P3880 fault code Paccar but a few codes of their heavy-duty trucks like the Kenworth Paccar fault codes and Peterbilt too.

    Reading The Paccar Fault Code List

    Before going into individual fault codes for Paccar engines and nameplate trucks from their stable like Kenworth and Peterbilt let us understand the functioning of the Jaltest Paccar diagnostic tool. It is an essential software that ensures any vehicle or engine malfunction is cleared at the earliest and does not become a major problem leading to downtime and loss of revenue.

    These issues are reflected as fault codes on the display panel of the vehicle’s onboard computer located below the dashboard on the driver’s side. Whenever a warning sign lights up it indicates a problem with a system or component ranging from engines to transmissions, hydraulics to body computers, and more.

    When a fault code shows up, typically in an alphanumeric format such as P3880 fault code Paccar or Paccar MX 13 fault code P1515 (the interpretation of these fault codes will be elaborated later in this post), the Jaltest maintenance tool will guide you on the best resolutions. Simply connect the software laptop to the onboard computer and our diagnostic menu will guide you on resolving the issue at a dealer-level competency.

    The Paccar fault code list may either be of a temporary nature or more permanent. In the first instance, the problem is usually very minor and goes away within a few driving cycles. In permanent fault codes, while our scan tool diagnoses the problem and offers cutting-edge answers, you might need the help of certified engineers to get your truck back on the road again.

    Need help with your Paccar engine models and performance?

    Kenworth Paccar Fault Codes – Optimizing Vehicle Performance

    The Jaltest Kenworth Paccar fault codes make sure that you are warned of any problem at the initial stage so that necessary action can be taken to prevent it from becoming a full-blown issue. The Kenworth Paccar fault codes keep your vehicles on the job as Paccar, along with Cummins is the most common propulsion system for Kenworth trucks.

    Typically, Paccar engines are complex pieces of machinery but providing solutions for any faults becomes a seamless affair when you use our Jaltest Paccar fault code maintenance software. You simply have to connect our software with the vehicle and set the required parameters, take live measurements and read the Kenworth Paccar fault codes before clearing them.

    Our software provides comprehensive coverage for MS11 to MX13 Paccar engines with the health of all critical systems and components being displayed on our software computer. You can carry out preventive measures to check any potential problems and resolve it at the root or you can take the required action after scanning for specific symptoms.

    To keep your Kenworth truck and Paccar engine in peak performance mode, you should carry out full system scans at periodical intervals to avoid any potential issues and fault codes cropping up. A full system scan will check central computers, chassis trouble, electronic modules, climate HVAC, lighting, instrument clusters, and more.

    Additionally, you can undertake scans by symptoms when ever you are faced with Kenworth Paccar fault codes. Just log in to our software and select parameters from the drop-down menu to carry out a variety of functions. These include changing parameters for fuel consumption, power take-off control, activating and deactivating conditions of the brake pedal, engine speed control, and many others. 

    Moreover, our maintenance tool for Kenworth Paccar trucks offers in-depth coverage of body modules and actuate components like switches and lights to test different functions and set parameters. All these go a long way to optimize the performance of your Kenworth trucks. 

    Examples of Paccar Fault Code List

    Here are a few examples of Paccar fault codes that will help you to understand better what is wrong with your vehicle whenever one such pops up on the onboard computer.

    P3841 Fault Code Paccar: It indicates a form of trouble with the powertrain. You should fix it at the earliest because if the catalytic converter fails completely the truck will go into downtime. It is better to take the help of an experienced mechanic to clear this fault code.  

    Paccar Fault Code P1495/P1496: When you see Paccar Fault Code P1495 or Paccar Fault Code 1496, it means that the engine protection has been enabled causing the EGR to be disabled and the system to go into preventative safety measures. As a result, passive/active DPF regeneration is disabled as well. The problem should be fixed within 10 hours to prevent it from going into EGR derate.

    Paccar MX13 Fault Code P1515: This fault code shows up when the PCM detects that the commanded throttle blade position and the actual throttle position are not within a calibrated range of each other. If this occurs for a period of less than 1 second, the code sets and the traction control module is turned off. The PCM will not turn off the SES light until three driving cycles have been completed, signaling that the fault code has been cleared.

    Paccar Fault Code P1517: This is a DEFOI (Diesel Exhaust Fluid Operator Inducement) code and indicates issues with emissions. This is often linked to problems connected with the codes P3822 or P3919. It will keep derating until the vehicle goes through verification cycle for the underlying code and the ECM decides that it passed the test.

    Paccar SPN Fault Code List: The Suspect Parameter Numbers (SPN) code is a diagnostic fault code terminology found on some equipment that uses the J1939 CAN link. These were developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers and fault codes have been allotted to specific parameters, system circuits, or components that are typically associated with Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).

    Here are some examples of the Paccar SPN fault code list.

    16: Engine Fuel Filter (suction side) Differential Pressure

    18: Engine Extended Range Fuel Pressure

    28: Accelerator Pedal Position

    32: Transmission Splitter Position

    77: Forward Rear Drive Axle Temperature

    Read more about diagnostic software for Paccar engines

    Paccar MX13 Fault Code List and Forced Regens

    Among the most complex maintenance activities among Paccar fault code list is forced regens. It is exclusive to diesel-powered engines irrespective of the make or model. Forced regens is necessary when there is soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter to an extent where it shows up as a fault code and the vehicle goes into limp mode and the engine will seize up.

    When it comes to clearing the DPF, forced regens is the highest level of maintenance activity when passive regens have no effect to clear the soot accumulation. Soot buildup occurs when a vehicle does not run for long stretches at a time but rather perform stop-go-stop work at quick intervals. Hence, forced regens are more required in dozers, excavators, agricultural and construction equipment.

    When forced regens activity becomes necessary and is shown in the Paccar fault code list, our Jaltest software will guide you on how to bring the engine back into peak operating mode. The diagnostic menu decides on the level of forced regens, ranging from High to Very High depending on the extent of the soot buildup.

    Typically, it means running the engine continuously for around 40 minutes at a rev specified by the maintenance tool. This causes increase in the temperature of the exhaust gasses which burns away the soot in the diesel particulate filter.

    Summing Up

    The Jaltest Paccar fault code list reader is a highly optimized software and maintenance tool for Paccar engines and its subsidiaries Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks. The user-friendly menu will handhold you through the required solutions for fault codes and ensure that your fleet is always on the road.

    What makes our software a cut above others in this niche is the ease with which it can be set up. Unlike others, there are no elaborate configuration processes, just plug in the software laptop to the vehicle onboard computer and you are ready to read fault codes and clear them.

    Finally, we provide three updates to our software every year. Paccar is known for continuous technological innovations and we keep our clients informed about them through regular changes to our software.
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