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Keeping Your Cummins Engine on The Job – Cummins Fault Code Explained

Garder votre moteur Cummins en service – Code de défaut Cummins expliqué

Avant d'aborder les divers aspects de la liste des codes de défaut Cummins et du lecteur de codes moteur Cummins, il est nécessaire de donner un aperçu de l'entreprise et de ses produits. 

Une entreprise multinationale américaine, Cummins Inc. conçoit, fabrique et distribue des moteurs, des produits de filtration et de production d'énergie. Même si Cummins est renommé dans le monde des moteurs, elle entretient également des équipements connexes tels que des camions et véhicules commerciaux lourds, systèmes de carburant, contrôle des émissions, gestion de l'air, systèmes de génération d'énergie électrique, et plus encore. 

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool Kit

La principale unité commerciale des moteurs Cummins offre un support après-vente ainsi que des moteurs de moyenne gamme, de forte puissance et de haute puissance. Les moteurs Cummins sont utilisés dans une variété d'applications dans plusieurs secteurs. Prenons quelques exemples.  

  • Excavatrices, chargeuses sur pneus, chargeuses à roues et chargeuses compactes en équipement de terrassement.
  • Chariots élévateurs, grues, télescopiques et élévateurs aériens dans équipement de manutention.
  • Niveleuses, rouleaux et finisseurs dans l'équipement de construction routière.
  • Foresterie, forage, concassage, traitement et soutien au sol dans les applications industrielles.

Dans le secteur des transports, Cummins est parmi les principaux innovateurs en technologie de moteur. Ceux-ci incluent :  

  • Ram 2500, 3500 camions lourds, et Ram 3500, 4500, et 5500 Châssis Cab dans le transport routier
  • Autorails diesel à propulsion dans le transport ferroviaire
  • Véhicules de passagers dans des bus

Cummins est également dans l'industrie de la production d'énergie et fournit des moteurs de capacité variable tels que :

  • Générateurs dans énergie stationnaire
  • Solutions et composants intégrés de puissance électrique et hybride dans les systèmes de génération d'énergie électrique

Autres applications de moteurs Cummins sont dans les domaines de l'exploitation minière, du pétrole et du gaz, et de la défense. 

Codes de défaut du moteur diesel Cummins 

Si vous êtes propriétaire de véhicules ou d'équipements alimentés par des moteurs Cummins, vous avez dû faire face à Codes d'erreur Cummins sous la forme de messages alphanumériques sur l'écran de l'ordinateur de bord, généralement cachés sous le tableau de bord du côté du conducteur.

Cummins Diagnostic Tools

Codes de défaut du moteur Cummins sont des alertes pour vous avertir que quelque chose ne va pas avec le moteur et qu'une action rapide est nécessaire. Les codes de défaut peuvent être le signe d'une simple erreur ou d'une erreur complexe qui peut nécessiter un temps d'arrêt et l'arrêt du travail.

Prenons quelques exemples pour expliquer le concept de code de défaut Cummins plus en détail. 

  • Code de défaut du moteur Cummins 1117 : Ce code de défaut indique une perte d'alimentation avec l'allumage allumé. Les causes possibles sont une batterie défectueuse, un faisceau de câbles endommagé, un ECM défectueux ou des connexions de batterie corrodées ou desserrées. 
  • Code de défaut du moteur Cummins 1569 : L'explication de ce code d'erreur Cummins est "Réduction de couple pour protection du moteur", ce qui signifie en termes simples que le moteur réduit la puissance en raison d'un problème détecté. Il est lié à des problèmes qui affectent les performances du moteur, tels que les capteurs ou actionneurs de post-traitement.  

Ces codes apparaîtront lorsque vous connecterez notre lecteur de codes moteur Jaltest Cummins à l'ordinateur de bord. Le logiciel vous guidera ensuite à travers tout ce qui doit être fait pour remettre votre véhicule ou équipement au travail le plus tôt possible. 

savoir plus sur les types et modèles de moteurs Cummins

Si vous considérez les codes de défaut du moteur Cummins, il y a deux possibilités ici. 

Le premier est le en attente ou temporaire Codes de panne du moteur Cummins qui indiquent les premiers signes d'un problème qui est à un stade mineur et qui, s'il n'est pas traité, peut se transformer en un problème majeur nécessitant un arrêt. Utilisez le logiciel Jaltest pour suivre le problème et le résoudre. Ces codes de défaut temporaires disparaissent généralement après quelques cycles de conduite.

Cummins Engine diagnostic

Le second concerne des problèmes plus graves nécessitant une révision importante. Ici, notre lecteur de code moteur Jaltest Cummins est très utile et rend le processus de rectification plus fluide. Le scanner Jaltest est un appareil convivial qui se connecte à l'ordinateur de bord du véhicule. Une fois l'ordinateur portable avec le logiciel branché, démarrez le moteur, et il lira le Code d'erreur Cummins et se concentrer sur le problème.

La liste des codes de défaut du moteur Jaltest Cummins vous aide à identifier le problème exact avec des descriptions détaillées du défaut. Elle vous guidera à travers la solution, soutenue par des schémas de câblage détaillés qui vous aident à trouver l'emplacement du défaut, la nature précise du défaut et ce qui doit être fait. Vous pouvez ensuite effectuer les solutions de suppression des défauts en toute confiance avec le lecteur de code moteur Jaltest Cummins.  

Le logiciel Jaltest effectue Diagnostics de moteur Cummins et affiche toutes les informations électroniques du moteur sur l'écran de l'ordinateur portable. Travailler avec Jaltest est facile car il vous guide à travers des diagnostics étape par étape, des schémas et des dessins de moteur intégrés. Ainsi, le temps de dépannage est réduit, et les procédures de diagnostic et de résolution défectueuses sont éliminées car vous obtenez des schémas de câblage et de localisation des capteurs, et pouvez ajuster les paramètres pour rapidement et facilement revoir et effacer les informations de défaut. 

Une mention rapide doit être faite ici d'un outil très spécialisé, le Jaltest Lecteur de code Cummins ISX. Le moteur Cummins ISX est l'un des moteurs diesel Cummins de haute gamme pour usage intensif et le lecteur de code Jaltest ISX est spécialement conçu pour lire et interpréter ce code d'erreur Cummins. Il récupère directement des informations de diagnostic telles que les codes d'erreur et les données en temps réel et vous aide à identifier et résoudre les problèmes au sein des systèmes du moteur. 

La fonction principale du lecteur de code Cummins ISX est d'afficher les données moteur en temps réel telles que la pression de carburant et la température du liquide de refroidissement et d'effacer Codes de défaut du moteur diesel Cummins. Il fournit également des conseils sur les causes potentielles des problèmes détectés, rendant le dépannage simple et une activité sur site.

Cummins Engine Diagnostic Tool

Activité de prévention et de maintenance avec le lecteur de code Jaltest Cummins

Le lecteur de codes d'erreur Jaltest Cummins est un outil de diagnostic Cummins très intuitif et facile à utiliser qui garantit que tout votre équipement et vos véhicules alimentés par des moteurs Cummins sont toujours en parfait état de fonctionnement. Avec le logiciel, vous pouvez effectuer une maintenance préventive pour vous assurer que les moteurs Cummins sont toujours opérationnels ou effacer rapidement les codes d'erreur dès qu'ils apparaissent. 

Ces deux fonctionnalités sont souvent appelées maintenance préventive et effacement des codes d'erreur, qui seront toutes deux expliquées individuellement maintenant en détail.  

Cummins diagnostic tools

Une caractéristique clé dans le Lecteur de codes d'erreur Cummins est des analyses complètes du système en tant que composant de la maintenance préventive qui est effectuée à intervalles réguliers. Dans ce mode, vous scannez tous les systèmes en commençant par le moteur et en passant par les hydraulique, les transmissions, les freins, les lumières, et plus encore. Tout problème mineur ici est rapidement résolu avant qu'il ne prenne une forme plus importante qui peut entraîner des temps d'arrêt et l'arrêt du travail, souvent à des moments cruciaux des projets. 

D'autre part, vous avez le travail de dégagement des défauts avec le lecteur de code de défaut Cummins. Chaque fois qu'un défaut survient et que le code s'affiche sur l'écran de l'ordinateur de bord, connectez le Logiciel Jaltest ordinateur portable pour y parvenir et aller au fond du problème. Une fois le code identifié selon le modèle et la marque du véhicule équipé d'un moteur Cummins, vous serez guidé sur les procédures de résolution des défauts. 

Il est important de noter ici que la maintenance préventive avec l'outil de diagnostic Jaltest maintiendra votre équipement en service sans interruption. 

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Codes de panne du moteur Cummins et régénérations forcées

L'un des défauts exclusifs aux moteurs diesel est l'accumulation de suie dans le filtre à particules diesel (DPF). Dans les cas graves, cela peut devenir un problème majeur et le moteur peut également se gripper. Cette accumulation de suie se produit normalement lorsque les régénérations passives ne parviennent pas à éliminer la suie du DPF et que des régénérations forcées doivent être effectuées. En général, cette condition se produit lorsque le véhicule est soumis à un travail en stop-and-go, comme dans le cas des excavatrices et des bulldozers, et beaucoup moins dans les véhicules de transport longue distance tels que les camions et les bus. 

Quand une telle situation se présente, notre Jaltest Liste des codes de défaut du moteur Cummins affichera le code de défaut SPN 3712. Cela signifie qu'il y a une réduction de puissance du moteur en raison de la régénération du DPF et que l'ECM a limité la puissance du moteur pour faciliter un cycle de régénération forcée. Les causes les plus probables de l'accumulation de suie dans le filtre à particules diesel sont un DPF obstrué, des capteurs DPF défectueux, des problèmes avec la recirculation des gaz d'échappement (EGR) ou des niveaux de DEF bas. 

Cummins engine diagnostic tool

Une façon de résoudre ce code de défaut Cummins est d'utiliser l'outil logiciel Jaltest pour identifier le code de défaut exact et ses paramètres associés. Inspectez le DPF pour une accumulation excessive de suie, des dommages potentiels ou un dysfonctionnement du capteur. 

Une fois que l'un de ces aspects est confirmé grâce au lecteur de code moteur Jaltest Cummins, la solution la plus simple est de faire tourner le moteur à haut régime pendant environ 40 minutes. L'augmentation de la température des gaz d'échappement brûlera l'accumulation de suie. Ensuite, les problèmes sous-jacents à cet état du moteur Cummins doivent être résolus. Cela inclut le remplacement des capteurs défectueux, nettoyage du DPF, ou en s'attaquant aux problèmes liés au système EGR. 


Le lecteur de codes moteur Jaltest Cummins est optimisé pour votre machine ou véhicule équipé d'un moteur Cummins, quel que soit sa marque ou son modèle. Vous bénéficiez de conseils d'experts pour effacer rapidement tout code d'erreur afin qu'un problème mineur ne devienne pas majeur et vous obtenez un service de niveau concessionnaire sur vos locaux.

Qu'est-ce qui rend notre Logiciel de diagnostic Jaltest and Lecteur de codes d'erreur Cummins un cran au-dessus des concurrents est le format convivial. Vous n'avez pas à passer par un processus d'installation et de configuration élaboré via des applications ou pilotes tiers. Il suffit de télécharger le logiciel sur votre ordinateur portable de diagnostic, de le brancher à l'ordinateur de bord et vous êtes prêt pour une vérification de pointe des fonctions du moteur Cummins.  

Enfin, nous fournissons trois mises à jour du logiciel Jaltest chaque année. Cela permet de garantir que les fonctionnalités de notre logiciel sont en phase avec les innovations techniques apportées aux moteurs Cummins chaque année et que le logiciel Jaltest ne devienne pas obsolète et dépassé.

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Marine Calibration and Parameter Settings – Improving Your Vessel’s Performance

Marine Calibration and Parameter Settings – Improving Your Vessel’s Performance

When you are on the high seas, it is important that your onboard instruments give accurate readings, otherwise, the performance of your vessel will be significantly impacted. Our Jaltest marine calibration diagnostic tool ensures that your instruments are operating at their best, thereby contributing to more efficient and safer operations.

Jaltest Black Friday Marine Diagnostic Tool Kit

Marine vessels rely on a wide range of instruments and equipment for navigation, safety, and constant communication. However, the standards of these instruments are not constant as they can drift out of calibration due to environmental issues such as temperature changes, humidity, and regular wear and tear. Hence, timely marine calibration is essential to get precise data by making sure that the systems operate within the required tolerances.

So, why is marine outboard or inboard calibration and parameter setting so critical?

  • Improved safety: By calibrating safety equipment you ensure that all systems, sensors, and alarms respond optimally in emergencies, keeping the vessel, crew, and cargo safe. This factor is crucial in marine compass calibration for example. It has to be regularly carried out to keep the vessel on track.
  • Increased efficiency: Marine vessels operate smoothly when all equipment is calibrated. The possibility of breakdowns and getting stranded on the high seas is substantially reduced through marine calibration.
  • Regulatory compliance: Maritime regulations such as SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea) require vessels to have calibrated instruments with set parameters. By regularly taking up marine calibration, you remain compliant with all these regulations, thereby avoiding potential penalties.
  • Cost savings: Boat motor calibration and instrument parameter setting prevent breakdowns and costly repairs and extend the life of your marine equipment.
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Using Optimized Marine Calibration Diagnostic Software

One of the most advanced and state-of-the-art marine calibration software is the Jaltest marine maintenance tool. It is optimized for marine outboard and inboard calibration and parameter setting and provides deep coverage of most major brands of marine engines.

Simply go through the diagnostic menu to get first-hand guidance on calibrating marine engines and instruments and advanced solutions for any issues that you might face. These include the electronic control module (ECM), engines, steering, powertrain, and more. You can also carry out other complex procedures with our Jaltest diagnostic software. These include calibrating trim and control levers, carrying out cylinder cut-out tests, and setting parameter instructions. You can also record sea trials with 90 minutes of data on the engine with up to 24 measurements.

Marine diagnostic tool for optimized calibration and parameter setting, offering efficient diagnostics for marine systems

The Jaltest marine calibration software offers deep coverage for a variety of functions, irrespective of whether it is troubleshooting marine outboard and inboard or jet ski parameter settings. The user-friendly and intuitive diagnostic menu offers advanced troubleshooting options that keep your marine engine in peak performance mode. 

You can set various parameters such as the engine, electronic module, instrument cluster, powertrain, steering, and more. You can either select “all” and check the calibration and parameter settings for every function and equipment or calibrate and set parameters for only those systems and components that have deviated from standardized benchmarks.

Moreover, in addition to marine calibration and parameter setting provisions, the Jaltest software provides live technical and maintenance data and information in real-time so that you are constantly updated about the health and functioning of its systems and components. You are also backed by detailed wiring diagrams that make troubleshooting and calibrating tasks very easy.

Jaltest marine diagnostic software interface for boat diagnostics and repair, featuring detailed system analysis tools

It is also worthwhile to mention certain other facets of the Jaltest marine diagnostic software. You can go to system technical data in the diagnostic menu and check several metrics. Under cylinder cut-out, you get to check injectors and ignition coils, idle speed, acceleration sensors, and oxygen probes as well as do compression tests. Similarly, each aspect offers you various options to keep your boat engine in peak performance mode. 

Ghost Trolling Motor Calibration

The Lowrance Ghost freshwater trolling motor allows anglers to fish longer, run faster, and move in closer without driving away the fish. Ghost has a path-breaking brushless motor with the most power and the longest runtime among all the trolling motors on the market. Use our Jaltest diagnostic software for highly optimized ghost trolling motor calibration to get the most out of your vessel.

Why should you choose Ghost trolling motor calibration? This activity, more specifically bow offset calibration ensures accurate autopilot and anchoring performance by compensating for the boat’s magnetic field and local deviations.

Marine diagnostic tools for engine troubleshooting, featuring a handheld device with a digital display and buttons

Optimized calibration with our Jaltest calibration software is important as it helps the trolling motor to function correctly with its anchor and autopilot features. Calibration is even more critical as the Ghost uses sensors to determine the boat’s position and heading. Calibration makes sure that these sensors are aligned with the Earth’s magnetic field and the specific magnetic environment of the boat. 

The bow offset trolling calibration compensates for the offset between the bow of the boat and the location of the trolling motor’s compass sensors. This is why both Ghost trolling motor calibration and marine compass calibration are so important. 

How do you carry out Ghost trolling motor calibration? 

First, you should find an area that is calm with little to no wind. Next, deploy the motor. Access our Jaltest marine calibration diagnostic software and navigate to the calibration menu. You will be guided through the calibration process seamlessly while probably rotating the boat in a circle. If the performance of the autopilot is not up to the mark or does not meet your expectations, you should repeat the Ghost trolling motor calibration process. 

Read more about the procedures for marine engine calibration.

Garmin Autopilot Calibration 

After Ghost trolling motor calibration, let us go into details of Garmin autopilot calibration to get a better idea of the overall marine calibration process. 

The GPS Heading is not an accurate indicator of heading at low speeds though it can be trusted at high speeds. However, it shows the boat’s absolute motion including the impact of the wind, currents, and tides. The magnetic heading of the Garmin Autopilot only shows which direction the bow is pointing.

Marine diagnostic tools for engine troubleshooting, featuring a handheld device with a digital display and buttons

If the heading from the autopilot appears to be off, verify that all connected chart plotters and the autopilot controller have the same North Reference. Now, carry out marine compass calibration and Set North procedures again. 

This can be done with our Jaltest marine calibration software. Follow the on-screen directions and check the configuration guide while performing the compass calibration. During this activity, keep the boat as flat and steady as possible. During calibration keep the boat evenly loaded so that it does not list any way during the procedure. 

For the Set North process, there should be a large stretch of water before you. A calm surface is necessary for setting North. Start driving your boat at cruising speed in a straight line downwind and in the same direction as the current. While using the Jaltest software at this stage for marine calibration, continue to drive in a straight line while following the on-screen directions of our software.

Types of Marine Calibration Services

The first is on-site calibration services that you can perform with the Jaltest marine calibration diagnostic tool. You can calibrate equipment and instruments directly on the vessel. This ensures that you do not face any downtime and that any issues are quickly resolved without waiting for certified engineers to come on board. This is crucial also for maintaining valid certification of equipment. 

Marine diagnostic tools for efficient troubleshooting and maintenance of marine engines and systems

The next is calibration of gas supply that tests and calibrates gas detection instruments. Suppliers offer several options of flow rates and gas mixtures that are customized for the maritime industry, providing accurate calibration of multi-gas detectors. 

Finally, there are automated calibration solutions that are a result of advanced automated technologies that are being incorporated into equipment calibration services. You can monitor the health of the systems and components of the vessel remotely and carry out calibration activities from the shore. 

The Jaltest Marine Calibration Optimized Software 

While going into marine outboard or inboard calibration, it is necessary to understand the differences between the two. Outboard engines are typically seen in small vessels and are mounted on the transom. Hence, if you are into jet ski parameter setting, you will be dealing with outboard parameter setting specifically. Inboard engines, on the other hand, are fitted inside the hull and are seen only in large boats or yachts.

There is also a difference in how you connect to the motor of the outboard or inboard for marine engine troubleshooting. For inboard engines, our Jaltest software is connected through a cable to the engine while for outboard engines, the connection is via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Apart from this method of connectivity, there is not much to choose from for boat motor calibration when it comes to inboard or outboard engines.

Marine diagnostic tool displayed on a table, featuring a digital screen and various connectors for troubleshooting

Summing Up

The importance and significance of marine calibration cannot be overstated, given that it concerns not only safety issues but performance also through accurate equipment measurements. Regular calibration should be a proactive measure for cost-effective marine operations and being compliant with safety guidelines. 

Hence, investing in top-of-the-line marine diagnostic software such as Jaltest is always a smart move to keep your fleet operating without downtime. Our tool has cutting-edge and user-friendly features that offer guidance through live technical data and wiring diagrams.
Additionally, unlike other software in this niche, Jaltest is easy to download and use without complex configuration and setup processes. Simply install and connect the software to the onboard computer and you are ready for advanced diagnosis and solutions. 

We also provide three updates to the software every year to enable you to keep abreast of technological innovations introduced in the maritime industry.

A Brief Overview of Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems

A Brief Overview of Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems

Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems is a member of the Knorr-Bremse group. They are among the leading developers and suppliers of active safety technologies, energy management solutions, and air brake charging and control systems and components in North America. Their target products are medium- and heavy-duty trucks, trailers, buses, tractors, and other commercial vehicles only. 

A pioneer in this field, Bendix is committed to delivering optimized solutions for improved vehicle safety, performance, and overall operating cost. It all started in 1924 with the launch of Bendix Corporation, initially engaged in the manufacture of automotive braking systems. In 1983, Bendix Corporation became a subsidiary of Allied Corporation which later merged with Honeywell in 1999.

Bendix Diagnostic Tool

Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems became a member of the Knorr-Bremse group in 2002 after its acquisition. The Bendix brand of light and medium-duty brake products is manufactured by MAT Holdings, Inc.

Let us check the company’s product details.

  • Air Brake Systems and Components: Bendix is a leading supplier of air brake systems and components for trucks, trailers, buses, and other commercial vehicles. 
  • Active Safety Technologies: The company develops and supplies advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and other safety technologies.
  • Vehicle Dynamics Systems: Bendix offers solutions for vehicle dynamics, including ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) and ESP (Electronic Stability Program).
  • Air Supply and Air Management Solutions: They provide components and systems for air supply and management in commercial vehicles.
  • Steering Solutions: Bendix offers steering gears, columns, and systems for commercial vehicles.
  • Trailer Solutions: They supply trailer ABS, lightweight air disc brakes, spring brakes, and slack adjusters.
  • Wheel-end: Bendix offers solutions for wheel-end components.

While the company has a large product mix, that is mainly directed at commercial vehicles and trailers, the Bendix diagnostic tool is also a leader in its class. 

Need help with your Bendix commercial vehicle systems?

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The Functions Of the Bendix Diagnostic Software

As we have seen from the brief history and products of Bendix, their efforts are largely channeled towards safety systems in commercial vehicles such as trucks and trailers. These are very complex systems more so in today’s complex vehicles where the safety components are increasingly interconnected. Hence, it is essential that you know precisely what to check and where to check whenever a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) pops up. 

What is DTC that checks the health of vehicle systems and warns drivers of any malfunction? Every modern vehicle today is fitted with an onboard computer with a display screen that is tucked below the dashboard on the driver’s side. Whenever a fault occurs with any system or component, a warning light flashes on the screen along with a DTC typically in an alpha-numeric format.

Bendix Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Software

The light conveys a simple message – some fault in your truck requires attention and needs to be checked before any minor issue becomes a major problem leading to prolonged downtime. The first response to an indicated electronics problem might be to remove or replace components. But at times, components are not an issue, and it is here that the Bendix commercial vehicle system diagnostic software needs to be run to understand what is wrong with the vehicle and take quick corrective action.

When you are running the software by connecting the laptop to the onboard computer of the vehicle, there are several things that will show up. You will get a system view of what is wrong with the key vehicle components especially if more than one component indicates the presence of the same active fault codes. 

In many instances the DTCs are temporary in nature that is, by fixing a minor issue like a loose wire or clearing accumulated debris, the indicator warning lights will be deactivated. These fault codes are typically cleared within a few driving cycles but if not, the matter must be investigated further with an optimized Bendix diagnostic tool. It will bring the faulty truck back on the road and in good performing condition as quickly as possible. 

Before diagnosing a fault, it must be remembered that the various systems of a commercial vehicle are connected with one another. Multiple control units (ECUs) share necessary information over the J1939 network. For example, automated transmissions must get essential information from the engines if they are to run at peak operating efficiency.

Bendix Brake Diagnostic Scanner

Hence, before assuming that an active fault code in an advanced system means that there is a malfunction in the system, you must ensure that you are using a tool that gives overall visibility of the entire system and components. One such tool is the Bendix Acom diagnostics software which shows the fault codes of the entire vehicle.

It is interesting to learn what Brian Screeton, Bendix supervisor – Technical Service Training has to say in this regard. “A tool that shows you an active DTC on the engine retarder, for instance, tells you that you need to troubleshoot that issue first, because it may be the cause of your adaptive cruise control DTC. In fact, we recommend technicians always troubleshoot any active engine faults first because of the way they impact other system faults.”

When the ACom diagnostics software is used, it automatically identifies and collects all fault codes from Bendix electronic control units on the vehicle, regardless of whether the DTCs are active or inactive. These include critical vehicle systems such as the engines, transmissions, and more.

The advantage of using the Bendix diagnostic tool is that you get precise information about what is wrong with the truck instead of wasting time falling back on guesswork from a prepopulated list of components. 

Read more about the Bendix commercial vehicle system. 

The Need for An All-Round Diagnostic Software

As we have seen, modern trucks have complex systems that are interconnected. While Bendix provides specialized components, there are several others that are not from this brand but act as a critical part of running those from Bendix. Hence, to check on the overall health of a truck, you need diagnostic software that includes all systems and components. This is where our Jaltest diagnostic software for commercial vehicles comes in very handy.

The Jaltest maintenance tool is ideally suited for a wide range of commercial vehicles and offers advanced and cutting-edge solutions. It provides maintenance data, vehicle data, injector coding, VGT (Variable Geometry Turbocharger), and more. Even when a component has to be changed, the software offers replacement guides and will help you navigate through the process so that optimized resolutions may be implemented.

Bendix commercial vehicle diagnostic tool

Additionally, there are several maintenance solutions that are handled by our Jaltest software. You can actuate body components, calibrate VGT and code injectors, calibrate transmissions, get wiring diagrams, technical information, component replacement instructions, repair times, and more. From simple fault code clearance to complex ones such as forced regens, system checks, parameter settings, calibrations, and others, the Jaltest software has you covered.  

When it comes to resolving fault codes of heavy or medium-duty trucks and semi-trucks in combination with the Bendix ABS diagnostic tool, Jaltest is a leader in the field. This is because diagnosis is made easy through live technical data and information along with detailed wiring diagrams to pinpoint the location of the fault. 

With the tool, you can set parameters for critical activities like speed limits and idle speeds, code injectors, and bleed braking systems for all types and makes of semi-trucks. Also available are system scans such as after-treatment and other resolutions for antitheft, brakes, electronic control modules, engines, hybrid systems, safety, and transmissions.

Capabilities of the Bendix Diagnostic Software

The Bendix diagnostic tool is an all-inclusive diagnostic tool that covers all Bendix electronic systems and ECUs. It offers support for Bendix ABS, Bendix ESP, Wingman Fusion, SmarTire, Intellipark, GSBC, GSAT and many more. 

To get the best out of the Bendix diagnostic software, integrate the OEM tool into the Jaltest software for a seamless experience. This allows former ACom PRO subscribers an easy upgrade since Bendix ACom diagnostics replaces it as of September 1st, 2024 provided the Jaltest license is active. If you need to renew your ACom PRO license, you must purchase the new ACom AE license as the previous Bendix Acom diagnostics tool is no longer available. 

Here are some of the key benefits of the amalgamation of the Jaltest and the Bendix commercial vehicle system software.

  • You can generate Bendix OEM DTC reports for comprehensive diagnostics and access Bendix-exclusive service data sheets and technical information for accurate and reliable maintenance.
  • Get expanded coverage with an OEM interface since Jaltest users won’t need to purchase any additional adapter to work with Bendix ACom when using the Jaltest v9 Link.
  • Additionally, ACom AE enables parameter modifications on trailers, supports SLC25 anti-collision systems, GSBC, GSAT, and end-of-line trailer testing. 

Bendix Trailer ABS Diagnostic Tool

Trailers play a major role in the commercial vehicle landscape in the USA and one of the critical systems connected with trailers is the anti-lock braking system (ABS), It is an electronic system that ensures that a trailer is stable and steers well while braking. For example, if hard brakes are applied especially on wet and slippery roads, ABS prevents the wheels from locking up.

Bendix Diagnostic Tool

When the auxiliary circuit is first powered on, the ABS runs a self-check and the status light comes on after 3 to 5 seconds. If that does not happen, it indicates a fault that must be identified with the Bendix trailer ABS diagnostic tool. 

Summing Up

With the Bendix diagnostic tool, you can carry out full system scans periodically to check the health of the systems and components such as the Bendix active safety technologies, vehicle dynamic systems, air supply and air management solutions, steering solutions, trailer solutions, and more. Any fault even of a temporary nature is thereby quickly identified and the fault cleared before it becomes a major problem. 

This preventive maintenance program undertaken at regular intervals will keep your commercial vehicles on the road without downtime and get maximum performance from them.

The other side of preventive maintenance is scanning by symptoms where a specific fault with the Bendix commercial vehicle system is detected and cleared.

Either way, the Bendix diagnostic tool is a must-have software for owners of commercial vehicles with Bendix systems and components.

The Optimal Guide To The Jaltest Agricultural Diagnostic Software

The Optimal Guide To The Jaltest Agricultural Diagnostic Software

If you are into agriculture and own a fleet of tractors, combine harvesters, wheel loaders, skid steer loaders, and more you cannot do without our Jaltest agricultural diagnostic software. It helps you to stay a step ahead of your AGVs’ health and ensure that there are no breakdowns, especially during crucial harvesting times.

So, what is the connection between the Jaltest AGV maintenance tool and tracking the condition of the vehicle?

Modern agricultural vehicles and equipment are complex with cutting-edge technologies incorporated in them. Unlike in old times, any mechanic or certified engineer cannot easily unravel the source of a problem and have it rectified. You must take the help of diagnostic software to identify the issue and resolve it before it becomes a major one, leading to downtime.

John Deere agriculture calibration and parameter interface showcasing precise equipment settings and adjustments.

This is why, today’s agricultural vehicles have onboard computers that monitor the state of the functioning and warn through fault codes of any malfunction before it becomes a major problem. These fault codes, typically in alpha-numeric format, pop up on the display panel of the onboard computer, generally tucked away below the dashboard on the driver’s side.

At this stage, connect the Jaltest diagnostic software to the onboard computer. It will identify the fault and what is wrong with the agricultural vehicle, and finally handhold you through the required solutions and fault clearance.

Just for your reference, it is not only agricultural vehicles that are covered by the Jaltest agricultural maintenance tool, even fault codes of stationary agricultural equipment like generators and air compressors and self-propelled equipment such as sprayers and forage harvesters are adequately covered by the Jaltest diagnostic tool.

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Before proceeding with the various aspects of the Jaltest software for agricultural vehicles, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of fault codes, the key to running the Jaltest diagnostic tool.

Fault codes, usually in alpha-numeric format pop up on the display screen of the onboard computer whenever a malfunction occurs in any system or component of the AGV. These codes are different for makes and models of agricultural vehicles even though the nature of the fault might be the same. Hence, when analyzing a fault code with the Jaltest agriculture code reader, it is necessary first to enter the type and make of vehicle before going on to fault clearing processes.

John Deere agricultural equipment diagnostic software for advanced maintenance and repair of John Deere machinery

Fault codes, also known as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are a measure of the state of the systems and components of the agricultural vehicle. Temporary fault codes are issues that are minor in nature and usually go away after a few driving cycles. When that does not happen, it is permanent fault codes that require the intervention of our Jaltest AGV diagnostic scanner to clear.

Based on these fault codes, let us now elaborate on how the Jaltest agricultural diagnostic tool works. 

Functioning Of The Jaltest Agricultural Diagnostic Scanner 

The Jaltest AGV kit is a highly optimized software that not only accurately diagnoses fault codes but also offers the right solutions to get your AGVs back on the job again. All the necessary features are built into the software that makes diagnosis and resolutions a breeze. You do not have to refer to bulky manuals or call certified engineers at the drop of a hat to get dealer-level services, the Jaltest agriculture scan tool clears fault codes effortlessly for you.

Once you access the diagnostic menu of the Jaltest software, there will be several options before you. Among the system and component analysis that will be displayed on your software laptop are recommended resolutions on various aspects. These include the central computer, climate HVAC, Electric Control Module, engine, hydraulic systems, instrument cluster, power take-off, steering, and others.

Diagram illustrating the agriculture forced regen tool process, showing emissions control and regeneration in farming equipment

What makes the Jaltest agricultural equipment diagnostic tool a cut above the others is the deep coverage offered by it. You get detailed wiring diagrams of systems that help you to locate the precise position of the fault. You get technical data that enables you to understand the nature of a fault and the resolution required. Further, during fault analysis and diagnosis, information can be had in real-time so that you know the current nature and status of the problem.

All these together assist users in maximizing fault code reading and getting accurate solutions since they are backed by technical data and information, main system scans, special functions (shortcuts), or all system scans. For example, you can configure the right tire size needed, lighting, precisely calibrate transmissions and rear hitches, and so much more.

It is necessary here to further explain the distinction between full system scans and scanning by symptoms in our Jaltest agricultural vehicle or equipment diagnostic tool.

Full system scans are a form of preventive maintenance where all systems and components are scanned periodically. Any temporary fault code therefore can be quickly identified before it becomes a major issue that might lead to downtime and stoppage of work. Among the work done as a part of full system scans is keeping a close tab on engines, hydraulic systems, instrument clusters, electronic control modules (ECMs), central computers, powertrains, and other critical components.

Jaltest Agricultural Diagnostic Scanner displayed on a laptop, performing advanced scans for farm machinery troubleshooting

Regular full-system scans help to keep your equipment on the job without a forced break and make sure that your agricultural vehicle is always in peak performance mode.

The other is scanning by symptoms where any fault code that pops up is cleared through specific action related to that symptom only. It might be related to engines, hydraulics, transmissions, HVAC, or even if there is a necessity to change or repair a component. Among the areas where you can scan by symptoms are performing force regens, code injectors, setting up flows and pressures on excavators, calibrating transmissions, and many others.

Whatever might be the fault code, our Jaltest agriculture scan tool has your back.

Read more about the Jaltest agriculture code reader.

Jaltest Tractor Diagnostic Software

Tractors are often considered the most hardworking equipment in the agricultural sector and it is therefore not surprising that our Jaltest AGV maintenance tool is very effective here too for clearing fault codes. What makes it special is that our Jaltest tractor diagnostics tool seamlessly connects to various types of agricultural equipment such as harvesters, combines, balers, swathers, sprayers, and more.

Most importantly, you do not need separate software for different tractor brands and models. The Jaltest tool offers deep coverage to almost 120 different agricultural equipment brands including John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Kubota, Challenger, Volvo, Caterpillar, and others.

Illustration of an Agriculture Diagnostic Scan displaying plant health data, soil analysis, and environmental monitoring results

The features and capabilities of the Jaltest tractor diagnostics tool are not limited to reading and interpreting fault codes only, rather it is a software that carries out advanced and cutting-edge fault analysis and rectifications too. The user-friendly menu can navigate various functionalities such as bi-directional controls, code injectors, DPF regens, transmission calibration, rear lift & spool valves, and more.

You will be prompted to enter the make and model of the tractor in the software and then be guided step-by-step to bring the tractor back on the job in the shortest possible time. You will be helped by live technical data and information from the software that will make your fault rectification work easy.

Here are some of the benefits of the Jaltest diagnostic software for tractors.

  • Component Actuation: Interaction and actuation of various systems that include cylinder cutouts, fan activation, compression test, and checking of various mechanisms.
  • In-built user-friendly tool: All information about connectors and a guide on which connector to use and the OBD socket location in the vehicle is available in the software.
  • Clearing fault codes: Troubleshooting all fault codes that are registered on the onboard Electronic Control Unit of the tractor.
  • Measuring values: Our Jaltest tractor diagnostics can measure and display up to 8 values simultaneously enabling users to clear fault codes on a highly divergent scale.
  • Calibrating and setting parameters: You can use the Jaltest software to recalibrate and set parameters by modifying factory settings. This helps to optimize the functions of the tractor in the conditions they are working in. Access to calibration and parameter setting can be strictly controlled through passwords.

With such extensive features, our Jaltest agricultural tool is a leader in its class.

Screenshot of Agriculture Diagnostic Software displaying farm data, analytics, and tools for precision farming and crop monitoring

Jaltest Agricultural Diagnostic Software And Forced Regens

Most heavy-duty agricultural vehicles and equipment are powered by diesel engines. To cut emissions, such engines have what is known as a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) whose purpose is to trap small particles from emissions to ensure a clean environment. Over time though, the dpf gets clogged with particles and soot which if not cleared might lead to engine seizure or the vehicle going into limp mode.

Jaltest Agricultural Diagnostic Software on a laptop, enabling advanced diagnostics and forced regens for farm equipment

This typically happens when it goes beyond the capabilities of passive regens to clear the soot accumulation. This state of the engine will be shown as a fault code which must then be cleared through the recommendations of the Jaltest AGV diagnostic software. The options for fault resolution range from High to Very High depending on the extent of the clogged filter.

The typical forced regens solution is to run the engine on high rev for about 40 minutes. The rise in temperature of the emission gasses burns away the soot in the DPF. However, it is advisable to clean the DPF manually if it is more than 75% clogged.

Summing Up

The Jaltest agricultural diagnostics software is a highly optimized tool that ensures your AGVs and agricultural equipment are operating optimally. The highly advanced features, detailed wiring diagrams, and technical data provided in real time make this software a leader in its class.

Moreover, you do not have to go through elaborate configuration processes after downloading the software on your laptop. All that you have to do is to connect it to the onboard computer and you are ready for fault code analysis and clearance.

Finally, we provide three updates every year to our Jaltest agricultural diagnostic software. This is to keep in sync with any developments and technological innovations implemented in AGVs over time.

The Jaltest CV Diagnostic Tool - To Keep Your Fleet Operating Optimally

The Jaltest CV Diagnostic Tool - To Keep Your Fleet Operating Optimally

Let us start with the definition of a CV or commercial vehicle. It is a type of motor vehicle that is solely used for transporting goods or passengers for a charge. In the USA, any vehicle that is registered in the name of a company is deemed a commercial vehicle regardless of whether it is a bus, car, or a fleet of heavy, medium, or light trucks. Any vehicle that carries more than 15 passengers is a commercial vehicle.

Jaltest CV Commercial Vehicles Diagnostic Kit

Let us now explore the connection between commercial vehicles and the Jaltest CV diagnostic tool. 

All modern vehicles compulsorily have an onboard computer that tracks and monitors the health and performance of all systems and components. Whenever a malfunction occurs, a fault code, usually in alpha-numeric format shows up on the computer for diagnosis and rectification. This is where the role of the Jaltest commercial vehicle plays a critical part. 

Let us explore this aspect in more detail and how the Jaltest CV functions. 

The Functions Of The Jaltest Commercial Vehicle Scan Tool

The onboard computer informs about the status of the commercial vehicle by registering a fault code on the display screen, typically tucked away below the dashboard on the driver’s side. To interpret this fault code, you must connect our Jaltest CV diagnostic tool and check the malfunction. The software will then guide you on how to resolve the issue so that your vehicle is back on the road at the earliest possible time.

Hino USA Fault Code displayed using Jaltest Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Software for accurate truck diagnostics and repair

The fault codes cover all systems and components of the vehicle ranging from the body chassis to brakes, transmissions, hydraulics, HVAC, and more. Problem resolution can be anything from fixing a loose wire to more complex ones like parameter settings, calibrations, or forced regens. Whatever might be the issue, you can bank on our Jaltest commercial vehicle maintenance tool to provide cutting-edge solutions so that your vehicle is always at peak operational efficiency without any downtime. 

The highlight of the Jaltest software is that it is optimized for leading brands and models of commercial vehicles and provides solutions that are no less than those of certified engineers from the dealers. Whether it is buses, trailers, semi-trucks, vans, or any other, we have you covered. 

The Jaltest truck diagnostic software covers more than 100 brands of trucks and semi-trucks, the category that forms the major part of the commercial vehicles segment. Our truck software works on leading brands such as Kenworth, Paccar, Mack, FreightlinerAllison, Peterbilt, Cummins, Detroit, Bendix Western Star, Volvo, International, and more.

Hence, you do not need several diagnostic tools when you have a mixed fleet of trucks, the Jaltest CV diagnostic tool is a one-stop shop for any type of commercial vehicle and truck that you might own.

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Preemptive and Problem Solving With Jaltest Commercial Vehicle Tool

Before going into preventive maintenance and problem-solving functions possible with the Jaltest commercial vehicle diagnostic scanner, a quick word on fault codes is necessary. 

Fault codes, also called Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) inform users of any malfunction of the vehicle. Each fault code is specific to a problem with a system or component and varies between brands and models. Hence, an engine fault code for Paccar engines of a specific issue will be different for the same problem for Cummins engines. Our Jaltest CV software covers them all and provides advanced resolutions.

Seamless Resolutions and Commercial Vehicle Troubleshooting , expert solutions for smooth fleet maintenance and repair

The Jaltest software works in two ways – preventive functions and fault resolutions.

In the first instance, the software has a provision for full system scans that you can run periodically. This activity identifies even minor problems with quick corrective action initiated by the Jaltest tool before they become major issues that might result in downtime. Fault codes do not go unchecked for long as this full system scan is done at fixed intervals.

Any minor fault generally goes away within a few driving cycles but if they do not, fault rectification work is immediately started. Preventive maintenance and full system scans therefore make sure that your fleet of commercial vehicles is always on the job.

Hino USA Fault Code displayed using Jaltest Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Software for accurate truck diagnostics and repair

In the second instance, solutions are taken up when a major fault crops up and is shown on the display screen of the onboard computer. In the diagnostic software, this is shown as scans by symptoms. For example, if a fault code indicates an issue with the transmission, you can enter the make and model of the vehicle in the tool and then go to the transmission fault resolution section. Similar is the case with any other system or components like engines or brakes.   

In a nutshell then, our Jaltest diagnostic software for commercial vehicles not only forewarns you of any impending faults when you carry out full system scans but also offers advanced rectification solutions. 

Upgrade your Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Tool for advanced fault detection, maintenance, and repair of trucks and fleet vehicles

Deep Coverage By The Jaltest CV Diagnostic Tool

Our Jaltest commercial vehicle maintenance tool provides deep coverage of vehicles. The specialized tool performs special functions across your fleet such as forced regens, coding injectors, calibrating VGTs, body computers and so much more. All solutions are backed by live technical information in real time along with component replacement guides and repair times. What helps is the detailed system and wiring diagrams that allow you to pinpoint the exact location of the fault and swiftly initiate resolutions to the issue. 

With our Jaltest commercial vehicle diagnostic scanner, you do not have to go through bulky manuals or search the Internet for solutions. The software helps you navigate the solutions till the fault is cleared and your vehicle is back on the road again. This is also possible because the Jaltest tool puts the technical information, images, graphs, and diagrams right where you are working to diagnose and perform the work.

Allison transmission diagnostic tool for vehicle maintenance and troubleshooting, showing detailed diagnostic results

With our best Jaltest CV diagnostic tool, you can carry out advanced diagnostics that enable 2-way communication with the vehicle. See part location, specs, pinout, images, wiring diagrams, torque specs, and more, and carry out a host of other functions too. These include modifying parameters like speed limits, idle speeds, and code injectors, calibrating VGT and transmissions, forced regeneration, DPF replacement, actuating body components and so much more. 

Moreover, our Jaltest on-highway diagnostic software offers system diagrams to easily see how your after-treatment systems, transmission, fuel systems, and more are functioning in real-time. Jaltest also can perform road tests and record up to 90 minutes of data across 24 different measurements.

Read more about diagnostic software for commercial vehicles.

Jaltest Semi-Truck Code Reader And Trailer Diagnostic Tool

Our software is a leader in this niche when it comes to fault code diagnosis and rectification of semi-trucks and trailers. This is because the Jaltest semi-truck code reader is backed by a user-friendly diagnostic menu that provides detailed wiring diagrams to know the exact location of the fault and live technical information that guides users through the various aspects of clearing fault codes.

Advanced Diagnostic Software For General Trucks

Whenever trouble arises, you can use the Jaltest semi-truck code reader to effortlessly fix it. This includes setting parameters for a host of critical activities such as speed limits and idle speeds, code injectors, and bleed braking systems. Our maintenance tool also provides system scans such as after-treatment and other resolutions for antitheft, brakes, electronic control modules, engines, hybrid systems, safety, and transmissions.

Force Regens and The Jaltest CV Diagnostic Tool

Engines are at the core of the running of any commercial vehicle and any trouble code related to it should be promptly addressed. It is advisable not to run the vehicle and to move it to an area where the fault can be checked and rectified.

Most commercial vehicles especially trucks, semi-trucks, buses, vans, and other passenger-carrying vehicles are powered by diesel engines. Among the most common issues that arise, especially in short-haul vehicles with stop-go-stop operations such as local buses and vans is soot buildup in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). When this happens, the filter must immediately be cleaned to prevent the engine from seizing up and the vehicle going into limp mode.  

Advanced Diagnostic Software for Kenworth Trucks

This condition to the DPF typically occurs when passive regens are not capable of clearing the filter and forced regens have to be applied. This process necessitates running the vehicle at high engine rev so that the increase in temperature of the exhaust gasses can burn away the soot buildup. 

When a fault code related to this trouble is displayed, connect the Jaltest commercial vehicle maintenance software to the onboard computer and you will be guided through the forced regens procedure and the specific rev the engine has to be run and the time. You can either drive the vehicle at high rev or keep it stationary and run the engine only. 

However, if the DPF clogging is more than 75%, it is recommended that you should have it cleaned manually. 

Summing Up

The Jaltest CV diagnostic tool is a must-have diagnostic software for owners of commercial vehicles. Any issue can be promptly resolved through guidance from our Jaltest commercial vehicle diagnostic scanner. All systems and components, regardless of the make or model are covered by our maintenance tool, giving optimized results to keep your vehicles on the road without downtime.   

Moreover, we provide three updates to our Jaltest commercial vehicle scan tool every year. This keeps it in sync with any technical innovations or improvements made to commercial vehicle systems and parts and prevents our software from becoming obsolete. 

Bank on our Jaltest CV diagnostic tool as it is ahead of others in this niche. Our user-friendly tool is easy to configure and unlike others, does not require any elaborate setting up procedures.

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